Poetry from Anvarova Nilufar

Leafy green tree and concrete path and a Central Asian teen girl in a floral pink and blue and white patterned dress with a black backpack.
I'm leaving...

I'm leaving...
The end of my path is not in sight
A beautiful end of life.
Cheats discover lies
Let there be evil in the heart.

I'm leaving...
It's supposed to be in the grand corridor 
They put a shoe on my leg.
When I look back, my past
Sins will remain.

I'm leaving...
Stopping is a stranger to me,
And or no one is a friend.
Pains, sufferings please,
Leave it alone, leave it alone, that's it.

I'm leaving...
It's like in a grand corridor...

Anvarova Nilufar, a student of the 7th grade of the creative school named after Erkin Vahidov, Margilan city.