Oh, how sadly I say it
Oh, with what pain I feel it
Let men be killed or murdered
Seeing very brave
With their rifles on their shoulders
Or their guns on their belts, or inside
And that crowd of plebs
Dancing with joy
Around corpses and ruins
Toasting with Don Toast
Caesar, King or Tyrant
Lords of War or Mr. Money
All over that heavenly court
Of Nazis, semi-nazis, bad guys
Priests or sacred gurus
Hunters and bullfighters
That did they know and know
What a shot or thrust is worth
Given on time.
Now as before
The criminal and murderer
Enter to slaughter
Thanks to the beasts that rule us
That, while they see the deaths
They suck or have their… finger sucked.
Why such hatred between humans
Similar to the hatred they have
That God and this Devil of ours
How much ardor did they use
So much effort
In which Adam and Eve curled up
In the Garden like dogs
Until finally
The bad luck of sex
He made them stay
Nudes outside the Garden
Covered with green masks
Their organs stunned
And breathless.
When going out into the world
Waking up from their false dream
Without stopping a point
Not wanting to return to the Garden
They met priests
Pastors and gurus
Hypocrites, obscenes, liars
Just wanted to catch them
To Adam for the member
Eva’s breasts
And a bonfire or boiling cauldron
What made them say to Eva:
-Oh, what do you want?
To Adam:
-What people are these?
-We come to cut the throat or kill
To burn or stew
If you Eva do not give us
Your carnal currency
And you Adam, your kind Anus.
Eva, as an intelligent woman
She told them:
-Man, Life seems kind.
I will give you twenty truffles
That I have stored inside me.
Adam, who was dull
And embarrassed like an Ass
He said nothing.
Everyone was satisfied
But the most Boss
Wearing a crucifix and collar, he said:
–Dead man never speaks.
Four fell on him
And they cut off his head.
The body was left jumping
And the same the head
Around that bonfire
In which Eve burned.
Don Toast was left in sad tears
Two caught him and tied him up
From the feet to the head
As if he were a pig
Which was what it was.
Bleeding on a table
Where all the heads saw him
Votive offerings from the damned wars
That were hanging on a beam
Half dead with laughter.
I remember one thing now:
That, in all wars
Only the bad ones survive.
-Daniel de Culla