Daniel’s photo
When the dawn spreads its mantle
And the firmament dresses in red or blue
There are no two disturbed eyes
Or disabled people who shine so much
Like Trump crazy goat
Serial God’s whoreman
Or Biden’s sleepy old pisser.
Beautiful people sleep in arms
Of Trump’s false faith
Or wake up if they are asleep
Because Biden has peed close to them
Listening to the song of the two:
“America great again”
Composed by Trump with music
From an Argentine chainsaw
Or bombs that explode in hospitals
From Palestinian children
From Yemen, from Lebanon, Syria
And other parts of the World
With the approval of serial killers
That they dominate us and that, happy
Sing to their wives or concubines:
“Blonde, black, or brunette
Give me a carnation.
Give me the carnation from your ass’ mouth.
For that you don’t have to have
Too much shame, not too little.
Just to have faith and a good prick.”
-Daniel de Culla