Poetry from Daniel De Culla


Pink and black and white poster for a Day of the Dead festival in Italy. Includes yellow and pink flowers, candles, and a skull with a floral wreath.


How happy are the nations without war

Who live in a deep dream of deceit and lies

Of obscenities and outbursts

Sheltered by witch gods

And serial killers and sorcerers

Who easily get in wherever they want

In our body and our mind

Making a fuss and causing a lot of trouble

To open their eyes and eat them if they can

To those who die in the nations at war

Applauded in Europe and America

Showing false feelings

To the humans who come in boats

And are locked up in new concentration camps.

Quietly, and slowly dancing mariachis

In a daring dream adventure

I’m going to celebrate the Dead’s Day 

A Living’s Day to me,  in Italy

From October 27 to November 3

Without knowing if in Bergamo, Via Daste e Spalenga

In Cremona, Via Gioconda

Peeking at the place where Da Vinci is dead

With a tasting of bones and heads of Catrinas

Of bread of the dead, and not blessed bread

In Lucca, Villa Gori, Via della Misericordia

In Rozzano (Milan), Fattoria S. Giuda, Via Giuseppe di Vittorio

In Milan, Piazza della Scala a Piazza Castello

In Rome, Largo Venue, Via Biordo Michelotti

In Rovigo, Via Parenzo

In Turin, C.so Casale

Or in Verona, Ristorante Hacienda de León, Via Boschi

Where the dead born in wars

Peek at the place where the altars are of the living

Dancing and shouting between real and artificial fireworks:

What a good meal we’re going to have together with them!

Let’s lick our lips with them

Oh, what a momento¡

How good the living taste to the dead!

Who died not in combat

But under the powerful bombs

Of men transformed into serial killers and criminals

Committing acts against humanity.

-Daniel de Culla