Poetry Soup (which we could call Letters Soup, an international community of poets) sent me this book with the poetic side of this monster that, as an Argentine friend of mine says: “is a lit match in the social arsehole.”
In the North American elections
That we could call erections “made in USA”
How many Republican brays have won a government
Losing with great sorrow other democratic brays.
After the greeting between a very stupid donkey
And another convicted donkey and a very master
To the voting and exultant plebs of Judeo-Christians
Jews, Evangelicals, Mormons, of the Ku Klux Klan
Of white supremacist terrorist hatred
Satanists, Christians and other sects
They have been seen greeting as Tsar, as Führer or as Pope
As guide, leader, leader of the American People
Spiritually, politically and militarily
To this Trumpeter Scumbagsaurus
Although he has greeted them effusively, saying:
-“You have chosen a Donkey
America Great Again”.
Let them eat their bread
If the Americans have voted like donkeys.
More the pity, and History will tell us the truth
It is that the pious, in their daily life
On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
And the pious women of nocturnal adoration
Will offer themselves here, there and everywhere
Opening their shells to the powerful ejaculations
Of this Trumpeter Scumbagsaurus
Sent by God for his illustrious feats and wonders
Like the Assault on the Capitol
And his great Al Capone-style evils
Son of immigrants like him.
With his carnal club, this trumpeting monster
Will make an omelet of the brains of the abortionists
Closing with padlocks the happy vaginas
Of the women ready to abort.
Knowing the sufferings of homosexuals and lesbians
This formidable, supreme monster
Will put them to work in the depths of a cave
Crouching in the form of donkey asses
To see if they can extract oil
Teaching them to bray for his own glory.
Being certain that he will throw out immigrants
For eating the flesh of cats, rats and dogs
Opening only a furrow with his penis in the Mexican wall
For women to learn to bray with their cunts
Because he calls himself the defender of the fair sex
Giving all nations the good advice
To learn to bray with him, for him and in him
Because he knows very well
That only fools follow, adore and venerate him
For as he himself says:
-Even the Bible is written by and for fools.
That believers bray and will bray
Having a full manger
Is what makes him happy and tearful
Watching on TV how his money grows
Because of the shedding of blood
And the brutal genocide.
A young woman was amazed
Watching the gentleman on the cover
Exclaiming that the face of this saintly poet
Was that of a Trumpeter Scumbagsaurus.
-Daniel de Culla