(Light purple flower with many tiny petals with a green stem and hazy green background as it’s a close up. Two orange butterflies sip nectar on either side of the flower).
This Valentine’s Day
We celebrate the wonders of our natural world.
We laugh at first, too.
Then curse.
Brush back our hair
Ready to start for a new world, a new life.
But the world turns over.
We are stuck, suddenly realizing our freedom.
Even if it did bow over
Just being able to pick up and go
Thru a puzzle of sandblasted sunburnt wood
And feel lonelier than ever before.
Land is our only love.
We fell in love with these pieces of sky and earth.
The wild and natural world is the one
That show us the way to the child on us.
Animals and Wo/Men have come to live on Earth.
Only together do we exist.
Only together do we form a whole.
All human beings have a common identity,
We are not a single species on this planet.
We inter-mate.
We must to act
With the necessities of all the living
Illustrating the scintilla of life.