Tulip... To hold the arms of my destiny firmly, Find me Looking at the mountains, even on a rainy way, Bring a bouquet of tulips. You are the person the artist drew on my forehead! Love me with your soul over and over again My lips are red, the first time you see them, Bring a hearty white tulip. Perhaps, we know each other Maybe a stranger But fate crossed our paths. Having smiled from happiness in your hug, Bring the happiest tulip. Write one poem from your heart Let your words touch my heart. So much... Standing proudly in front of the flower holder, Bring me your life!
Dilnura Rakhmanova was born on March 20, 2003 in the village of Madir, Khanka district, Khorezm region. Currently, she is a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Philology of Urganch State University. His poems are published in the anthology “The song of Uzbek homeland” in “Amazon” publishing house of USA, “Ezgu so’z” newspaper, “Inja San’at” international electronic magazine, “Teacher” scientific and methodical magazine, “Turkestan” newspaper of Azerbaijan. , kafkazh.com site, Kenya’s “The Mt. Kenya Times”, Bangladesh’s “Red Times” international newspapers, Pakistan’s “Sindh courir” artistic and scientific site and stories in the Turkish “Artshop” publishing house, the anthology “Türkçe’nin ındakï Uzbek sesi”, “Hilol” It was published in the Republic of Artists Collection. His poems and stories have been translated into English, Turkish, and Azerbaijani languages. Participant of “Navqiron Gujumlar” poetic duel. “Student of the Year 2022” University stage “The most active creative student of the year” nomination. She is the recipient of the “Glotur life excellence” medal of the international scientific magazine “Glotur life”. The author of the poetry collection “Bakhtmunchaq”. sold to 26 countries of the world. “JustFiction! The first collection of stories and essays “Ways of life and dream” (“Ways of Life and Dream”) was published in English in the “Edition” publishing house. She is a graduate of the Shine Academy for Girls. She has a membership certificate of the international organization “Juntos por las Letras” of Argentina, “Iqra” of Pakistan. and Indonesia “Asih Sasami”, Egypt’s “Creativity Forum For Culture, Arts and Peace”, India’s “All India Council for Technical Skill Development” is a member of international organizations. Scholarship of the regional governor. Participant of international forums and conferences.