A Chicken Is An Egg
A chicken is an egg’s way of making another egg
First things first though as the circle arcs along
The days come and go bringing more of what has been
I think the light shows the way I should always go
But then the darkness comes and I know that I don’t know
Help me see the process before it falls below
Just beyond the horizon I believe it steady moves
Though I am left behind wondering what comes now
There’s always something special about a sunset
Reminiscent of the bright lit day it leaves again behind
Then it drifts into the night and shadow overcomes
I don’t see how to follow a guide that’s out of sight
I feel the loss of knowledge sunk by time’s constant flight
So I stumble slowly within the cold and now’s unsure night
When We Were Met
When we were met and the world was fine
Not a thing could hurt us
I was all yours and you forever mine
I discovered colors I had never seen
It all smelled of apple blooms
And I thought I knew everything
We walked together in hand along
We held each other close
We had become one with a love of our own
Then before us came distractions from our self
Temptingly unfamiliar feelings as familiarity set in
And before I could cry forgiveness you put me on a shelf
I asked my father to explain you to me
How I could want you so
Why you would walk away
Yet the sun keeps passing over my head
Against the blank blue sky
What I got was —
Where were you when I hung the stars
Where when I created the world and let it go
How can you even pretend to know
But tell me clean —
How a dream could take my soul
How it could then dissolve like a rainbow’s arc
Leaving me without reason or cause
Finding my self wandering through the hurt filled dark
I’ve got the horror — show me some love
I don’t need more lessons — show me how to love again
I give up on tomorrow
I don’t want to dream anymore
Take away this world of sorrow.
Just leave me alone
It is the last night before the final day
And all that has been given will be taken away
No hope can replace what’s gone to stay
I asked my father to explain you to me
How I could want you so
Why you would walk away
Yet the sun keeps passing over my head
Against the blank blue sky
What I got was —
Where were you when I hung the stars
Where when I created the world and let it go
How can you even pretend to know
There are nights when the stars arrive
They cloud the domed dark heavens
And if you watch them slowly unwind their path
Sometimes one breaks loose
And flies across its way falling as it streaks
Like a doomed but sparkingly brilliant consequential light
Then gone
I asked my father to explain you to me
How I could want you so
Why you would walk away
Yet the sun keeps passing over my head
Against the blank blue sky
What I got was —
Where were you when I hung the stars
Where when I created the world and let it go
How can you even pretend to know
How can you even pretend to know
The First Ones Off
The first ones off the ship that night
Floated away to lives again
Those who deferred brave and selfless
Froze to death when the water came in
Those who were early to work that day
At desks when the planes crashed in
They’re the ones who suffered and died
Those wandering that way late only heard the pain
We’re taught to be strong and to do our part
Never shirk and always tell the truth
But reward isn’t promised to those who pull their weight
They’re the ones who are holding up the tent
So when enough of their brothers aren’t helping anymore
It all comes tumbling upon them crashing to the floor
She Bears The Touches
Like a new day she brightens the lobby air
All others pause in a Romantic pastiche
For some reason then she sees me and approaches
Though I’ve stopped as all the rest have
Then we are drinking in the lobby bar
Among the tired and swollen salesmen slouching
Hidden from their workphones talking sports and profits
Sidelong glances at her to tease their endless night
And we seem to be the one
The one between us
I have to leave tomorrow
But I don’t want to tell her
There can only be tonight
Unless she would leave her life for mine
And she bears the touches the many touches
The touches that leave their mark
Such beauty such grace tainted only by her life
Touches scar stunt and shape what is best
Until it fades and dies with time and experience
Oh such warmth found on a dark winter’s evening
She heats the bed like a drink of old brown whiskey
And slips across me like some delirious dream
As I respond with best guess touches of my own
When she kisses me her mouth is softy open
While she holds me down and under her stern need
And all I want is to see where this is going
Bright colors drift by and everything’s gone fuzzy
As we become the one
The one between us
I have to leave tomorrow
But I don’t want to tell her
There can only be tonight
Unless she would leave her life for mine
And she bears the touches the many touches
The touches that leave their mark
Such beauty such grace tainted only by her life
Touches scar stunt and shape what is best
Until it fades and dies with time and experience
She takes the night for her own and leaves me with the dawning
I can’t move to stop her as everything in me has drained away
She left me like the night falls slow then gone quickly
And I feel like something special’s happened
But I’m not sure how or why to find her
So I stay drinking in the lobby watching the door and waiting
Thinking we were to become the one
The one between us
I should have left today
But I don’t know how to tell her
There might only be tonight
Maybe she would leave her life for mine
But she bears the touches the many touches
The touches that leave their mark
Such beauty such grace tainted only by her life
Touches scar stunt and shape what is best
Until it fades and dies with time and experience
By Demens
I have signed away your soul and made you mine
As climbs the greedy moss upon the unexpecting tree
So stay and I will slowly take what you used to be
All of your joy — All of your happiness
I’ll extract all your dreams and memories as I steady grow
And encase them within my creeping quiet while you won’t even know
Nothing will I leave you
But for blank silence and shadow
Nothing to long for nor to move toward
While I make your body tingle constantly antic
As if the nerves only are alive
A buck scraping his antlers grunting in rut
A dog rubbing his nether across the carpet
Thoughtlessly frantic
Each touch will be your reason d’etre
And you’ll never sleep or even sit again
With declination you’ll forget to eat or wash or know until the end
As you wander blindfolded by me to the next sensation
Until you can no longer move
Your mind hidden from what surrounds you
Your body released on its own recognizance
To forage for touches and unimagined adventures
Neither aware nor remembered
This is the world I make for you
The horror that all is unrecognized
To be lost, displaced, and all is down
Then the wheelchair with you in the greasy gown
Finally fetal again clenched now a dumb dying child
Submerged within the last silence
Don Edwards lives and writes in Los Angeles.