Poetry from Eshbekova Xurshida Anorboyevna

Central Asian woman with long straight dark hair, brown eyes, a black coat and white blouse, holding a white rose and a trophy. She's got balloons and flowers and a pink background behind her.
 Eternal Samarqand  

In the heart where history whispers soft and grand,  
Lies a city of dreams, the ancient Samarqand.  
Beneath the azure skies, where legends were born,  
Her streets weave tales of silk and golden morn.

Domes of turquoise, kissing heavens high,  
Minarets that pierce the endless sky.  
Gardens lush with roses, fragrant and bright,  
Whisper secrets of ages, from dawn to night.

The Registan stands, in majestic embrace,  
A tapestry of art, time cannot erase.  
Mosaics gleam with stories, vibrant and old,  
Of scholars and traders, of courage and gold.

Rivers of Zarafshan, like veins through her soul,  
Bring life to the heart of this ancient scroll.  
Where Timur's empire once held sway,  
In shadows of grandeur, echoes still play.

Marketplaces bustling, with colors so rare,  
Spices and silks, in the fragrant air.  
Craftsmen's hands, with deft and grace,  
Carving beauty in every space.

Oh, Samarqand, jewel of the Silk Road,  
In your essence, mysteries unfold.  
Each brick, each stone, a silent hymn,  
To the glory of the past, never dim.

Under the moon's tender, silvered light,  
Your beauty shines, serene and bright.  
A testament to time's gentle hand,  
Eternal and cherished, beloved Samarqand.

Eshbekova Xurshida Anorboyevna was born on June 25, 1989, in Pakhtakor district of Jizzakh region. She is currently a third-year student of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics at the Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute. At the institute, she is the coordinator of the "Talaba Qizlar" (Student Girls) branch of the Youth Union. She is also a scientific consultant at the Quality Publication organization.

She has participated in the "Scientific and Practical Conference on the Introduction and Improvement of Innovative Technologies in Education" held in Germany, organized by Quality Publication, and the conference dedicated to the "ILM- FAN YETAKCHISI" (Leader of Science and Knowledge) forum for young scientists and talented students. At this conference, she was awarded a certificate, a medal, and a book with published articles.