Poetry from Eva Lianou Petropolou

Headshot of a light skinned woman with pink lips and a blue scarf and short dark hair.

Are you free

It is not about country or religion

It is not about who are you

Or who I am

It is not about your experience

It is not about who you like or not

It is all about injustice

Unknown person behind the curtains that take decisions

It is all about manipulation and violence

It is all about no ethics

People want to earn money fast

It is all about a fake world

And if you do not stay soft ..

If you don’t keep the inner child

your soul will be lost….

EVA Petropoulou Eva Lianou Petropoulou

Eva Lianou Petropoulou (Greece)

She is an awarded author and poet from Greece with more than 25 years in the literary field published more that 10 books. Her poems are translated in more than 25 languages. She is President of creativity and art of Mil Mentes Por Mexico Association. She represents Greece as a media partner and is a member of IAE India. She’s part of the Global Federation of Leadership and High Intelligence A.C. and an official candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. She is a World Ambassador of the International Academy of Ethics in India and an Ambassador of Group Poetry as well as a member of several literary groups.

One thought on “Poetry from Eva Lianou Petropolou

  1. Happiness is only a word, a star perhaps. .That we come to live on Earth is a plain truth. But death and routines transform our happiness and wisdom..
    We must dance and sing with the sun, moon and the wind.

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