Poetry from Frank Modica


Alone in their idleness, 
two old friends thirsting for company
go to a local warbirds display

at a local airport, share
arcane knowledge of engine 
displacements and top speeds,

afterwards, down flights 
of beer, swap family fables,
fly back to empty nests.

The Long Ride

Spring-- a flurry 
of wheels and gears,
tuneups, new shorts, 
 jerseys, tires and turbes,

then mile after mile 
of training rides,
small towns 
nameless roads. 

In June long days 
for riding and camping 
while strangers ask about
a pop-up city of bicycles. 

I gaze into my 
brother’s glazed eyes, 
search his face

for recognition as I hear 
the rasping
of his oxygen mask.

I press the stony
silence of his 
unshaven chin

fan five fingertips 
against his marble forehead.
I pause, count

my breaths, pray.
When will I see 
the goodness of  the Lord?

Frank C. Modica is a retired teacher who taught children with special needs for over 34 years. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Dust Poetry, New Square, Sheila-Na-Gig, and Lit Shark. Frank’s first chapbook, “What We Harvest,” nominated for an Eric Hoffer book award, was published in the fall Of 2021 by Kelsay Books. His second chapbook, “Old Friends,” was published this past December by Cyberwit Press.