Poetry from Gabriela Peinado Bertalmio

Light-skinned woman with brown eyes and light blonde hair, earrings, lipstick, and a necklace with a large heart pendant. She's got a black top and coat.


It is said that those who have the gift of procreation are granted

the divine right to be a mother.

It is said that he is a being who gives everything

To concepts where love is circular

To wakefulness, tears, joys

and with greater audacity of great courage and courage to contain

To maintain

Want unconditionally, stripping time to deposit it in you.

It is said that it comes from the Latin mater

and this becomes a significant meaning

Matrix matter, origin of life



To endless history perpetuating the species,

Infinite energy mamma amma nutricia…

so many definitions and interpretations

and in the facts… near or far are these concepts…



That from my location of receiving desire

fervently keep yourself for yourself,

collect from life and your progeny the laughter

and this ups and downs in fruits, sweets, flowers and loves

That you offer yourself to life,

fulfill expectations and

with a rainbow of multiple colors

fly with your dreams and concrete projects

You emit sparkles, sparkles in your beautiful eyes

That you have come to spend

and introject so many lessons learning

and personal value,

limit to so much commitment and responsibility

I tell her

To the good mother

To the one that provides containment, shelter and advice,

which denotes imperfection, chaos and recomposition,

The one who deigns well to love herself,

take care of herself and protect herself

For example, model is what I want

As a mirror to frame, adore

May your days be more than a special day!

Melt into hugs, kisses

and spaces of pure rest to so much effort

Mother present,

In the sky or wherever you are

Understand me:

That I want you free

You to me

Me to you

GABRIELA PEINADO BERTALMÍO – Dr. Honoris Causa (3 doctorates) in Culture, Peace and Health. Issued by outstanding universities. •Degree in Psychology from the University of the Republic O. Of Uruguay (UdelaR) .Post-degree Cognitive Behavioral A.LA.MO.C (Latin American Association of Behavior Modification), various specializations. •Professional Coach University of Barcelona CIECC, with all specializations: labor, educational, sports, business. •Educator in Human Values, gender and labor insertion (Ministry of Education and Culture) •President for South America in Physical Culture and Sports of UNAcccc United Nations. • President for Uruguay of the Federation of International Leadership and Open Intelligence. •Member of the board of directors of the Mil Mentes International cloister. •Poet, writer, designer of national and international renown with hundreds of recognitions.

•Referent in pioneering treatment in the world PIITRASS (Translational Integral Research Psychology) with the inclusion of therapeutic laser or photo bio laser modulation. •Member of the GPW Global Peace Women International directory •Director of the Psychological Clinical Center DAARCE (Attentional Diversity in Autonomies for Behavioral Recovery and Estimate) •President for Uruguay of the Federation of Feathers and Letters of Curumaní. Participation in numerous national and international poetic anthologies. •Athlete, Ultra Marathoner of national and international renown and current. •Captain of the Sports Team Actitud Celeste. • Referent in the incorporation of psychological space in sports, • Psychologist of the Group of Athletes of Uruguay. Member of the Sports Psychology Commission of the Athletic Confederation of Uruguay (C.A.U) •Six annual podiums given in the Group of Athletes of Uruguay (A.A.U). •More than 30 podiums in national and international races. • Founding member of International Management Competence. •Director for Uruguay of CONLEAM. (Confederation of Artists and Writers of America) •Member of the ERATO Group (Uruguayan poets) •15 years in political order acting as Coordinator of technicians and emission of Edu sports projects. ~Teaching exercised: CIECC, Escuela F. Delano Roosevet, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Education and Culture ~Receips of international recognitions: Victoria Awards, Phoenix Awards, 2 Award the Best legislatura de Bs.As. Props, Silver Seagull, etc. 50 memorable Latin American women Querétaro Mexico Nov. 2023.

Recently, Nelson Mandela recognized the quality of World Giants in the projection of Peace and comprehensiveness, given to 12 world personalities and representing the country. Rome Antonianum University. Nov. 2024. _In overcoming and growth, we move forward together. _