Poetry from Graciela Noemi Villaverde

Light skinned Latina, middle-aged, with long reddish-blonde hair, black top, and star necklace.

My lyrics for world peace

A river of ink, flowing like the Ganges,

sacred and constant, dragging stones of hate,

like the torn down Berlin walls. cleansing the banks of resentment,

like the reconciliation between Mandela and De Klerk.

A tree of words, with deep roots like the olive tree of peace,

branches reaching towards a clear sky,

like the sky over Hiroshima after silence.

leaves whispering promises of calm,

like Gandhi’s prayers for non-violence.

A beacon in the dark night of conflict,

like the Statue of Liberty, a guide of hope.

its light guiding the lost, like Martin Luther King

Jr.’s moral compass pointing the way to understanding,

like the rainbow after the storm.

A mirror reflecting humanity,

like Picasso’s Guernica, testimony to horror and the need for change.

Showing its beauty, like Mona Lisa’s smile, an enigma of serenity.

Its ability to heal, like the resilience of the Japanese people.

A silent embrace, like the embrace of the peoples of Europe

after the Second World War,

enveloping broken hearts,

like the bonds of solidarity between countries

after the Indian Ocean tsunami.

Healing the wounds of war, like the reconstruction of Nagasaki.

A song of hope, like Beethoven’s hymn to joy,

a universal call to brotherhood.

A melody that resonates in the soul,

like the sound of the bells of peace.

Vibrating with the force of peace,

like the force of nature that renews life.

A legacy written in the heart of the earth,

like the sacred scriptures of all cultures,

so that future generations remember,

like the perpetual memory of the Holocaust,

that peace is possible, a future built on empathy and mutual respect.

And on the horizon, a new dawn, painted with the colors of unity

where the seeds of peace flourish, and a bright future, full of hope, lays before us.

GRACIELA NOEMI VILLAVERDE is a writer and poet from ConcepciĆ³n del Uruguay (Entre Rios) Argentina, based in Buenos Aires She graduated in letters and is the author of seven books of poetry, awarded several times worldwide. She works as the World Manager of Educational and Social Projects of the Hispanic World Union of Writers and is the UHE World Honorary President of the same institution Activa de la Sade, Argentine Society of Writers. She is the Commissioner of Honor in the executive cabinet IN THE EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL RELATIONS DIVISION, of the UNACCC SOUTH AMERICA ARGENTINA CHAPTER.

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