Poetry from Iroda Sherzod

Central Asian young teen girl with straight dark hair standing in front of a leafy tree.

My dad 

The one who loves me more than anyone

My father is my mountain

When anxiety comes, it passes 

There is nothing in this world, father 

I could not tell when the time came

I love you dad 

This name is in my heart

My dear dear father 

He thought about our future

My father worked without rest 

He did not eat himself but fed us

Father, I have no prayers

The daughter of Abdusamiyeva Iroda Sherzod was born on May 15, 2009 in Sherabad district of Surkhandarya region. In 2016 she went to study in the 1st grade of general education school No. 67 in Sherabad district of Surkhandarya region. Currently, she is a 9th grade student of this school. She started writing poems in the 5th grade and has written about 20 poems. His poems were published in magazines such as “Bekajon+”, “Sherabod Life”, “Bilimdon” and prestigious German magazines. Her poems were also published on Google Networks. She works as a coordinator and volunteer in Sherabad district. She wants to become a journalist in the future. She intends to become a mature person who will serve the country.