the breakfast of a champion
leftovers and
christmas cookies
the breakfast
of a champion
how much liquor
in the coffee this
whatever it takes
to avoid the inevitable
chasing death like
a whore in church
that dark haired vixen
of the teenage years
imagine if she would
have said yes and all
this bullshit would
have never happened
imagine if you were
actually someone
worth saying yes
a visit to the doctor before a snowstorm
blood pressure of
someone in perfect
blood sugar of
someone that will
be dead in a few
more scratches of
the head than i have
seen in years
but as always
what designer drug
will the insurance
pay for
i guess the pain
can wait
i suppose all this
booze is here for
a reason
flirting with disaster
one of these nights
one of these drinks
will probably kill
i feel like i am an
expert at flirting
with disaster
a quick tongue
will get you
places in these
sordid circles
she does believe
we are going to
spend forever
in harmony
i hate to break
it to her
but the chances
of that happening
are even worse
than my impending
just a few inches
snow on the way
now the panic
will set in
long lines for
gas and groceries
jesus christ
just a few inches
some stupid fuck
will ask where
the hell is global
warming now
this is when i
would love to
grab him and
tell him about
the good ole’
days of four
fucking seasons
instead of just
hot and cold
into something beautiful
and here comes
this angel willing
to grab me by the
throat and drag me
into this century
of course, as much
as i want to believe
she has my best
interests in mind
this fucking wall
i have been building
won’t allow my
complete belief to
grow into something
this is where the
distance apart
is my friend
allows me many
miles to get my
split brain back
into one
i hope those stunning
eyes meet me on some
edge of the world
and we both decide
to fucking jump
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is a 3 time Best of the Net nominee and a recent Pushcart Prize nominee. He’s been recently published at The Beatnik Cowboy, The Dope Fiend Daily, Disturb the Universe Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash and Yellow Mama. He is currently working on a yet to be titled book of new poems. You can find him most of the time on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)
Hang in there. Things have got to get better! I hope.
Yep, we’re in an epic poem by John Milton now, all though they forgot to tell us it would be this way: hotter than hell, colder than hell and the ones that don’t fit those categories are limbo somewhere between hell states. Hang loose and stay low; we’re all on the front lines now. They did;t tell us that either now that we’re all well beyond the point of no return…