bitter cold
and here comes the cold
the kind of weather that kills
the homeless on the streets
the kind of bitter cold
that makes the hair on the
back of your neck stand
up at attention
and here i am
a winter coat and shorts
walking down to the
mailbox wondering
which bill is going
unopened today
enough damage has
happened to my legs
over the years that i
really don’t feel
anything on them
of course
it helps to be
slightly crazy
as well
a train out of baltimore
she kissed me and asked
what happened to your
i told her it was stolen
from me on a train out
of baltimore
she chuckled and started
to run her fingers through
my chest hair
all gray now
you sure you aren’t ten
years older than you say
you are
i laugh and start to play
with a gray hair on her
she laughed
and we started to kiss
i’m sure she was thinking
of someone younger
and i was thinking about
that train out of baltimore
some crazy woman that
swore she had the blood
of edgar allan poe
a few drinks later
a disheveled poet
finally gets to
go home
david lynch
she cried in my arms
when she got the news
that david lynch was
we met watching
blue velvet years
we both knew
this day would
be devastating
i held her tighter
with each sob all
the while wondering
what flavor of gum
was she chewing
and if one thing
leads to another
is she going to
take the gum out
put it in my mouth
or keep chewing it
as she travels down
my body
i started to laugh
she looked at me
i told her just a
little daydream
of my body hair
and a tragic piece
of gum
she smiled, pushed
me away
as if…
trapped in our machines
and here we are choking
on common sense
blaming instead of doing
anything about anything
lost souls trapped in
our machines
better realities where you
never have to face any
we never age gracefully
kicking and screaming
29 until i die
yet another avoidable
there is no laughter
no smiles, no sunshine
everything is going to
kill us
and you know that fucker
in the corner is making
money off of your misery
is it his fault or the system
that created the chance to
begin with
no one likes change
unless it benefits the
one they care about
always a good time
the muse called the other
night drunk, always a
good time
to more or less tell
me goodbye
detailing her escape
and all i could think
about was how the
marriage and kids
she wants
i am ready to give
but that doesn’t
fit her timeline
just my luck
two russian bots are
in love with me
i know they can’t be real
how many fucking single
women had their parents
die in a plane crash and
now live with a cousin
and just happened to fall
in love with a poet in ohio
i know my lack of luck
better than anyone alive
i think of it as a gene
from my father
yet another fucking gift
but all things come
to an end
love, friendship, dynasties,
peace and eventually
J.J. Campbell (1976 – ?) is stuck in suburbia, plotting his escape. He has been recently published at The Beatnik Cowboy, The Dope Fiend Daily, Disturb the Universe Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash and Yellow Mama. His next book will hopefully be out sometime in 2025. In the meantime, you can find him daily on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (https://evildelights.blogspot.com)
More good ones.
The line “and here i am a winter coat and shorts on” is the epitome of the many mostly pale skinned males I’ve see around Boston of all places…you’d be hard pressed to see dark skinned males bearing that particular attire in winter and I think it’s quirky and hilarious…with a subtle suggestion of erotism to see naked flesh amidst the white winter as snow drifts up someone’s short covered tree trunk thick calved legs…The poems are unpretentious with a certain relatable hum drum practicality…They relax me into my core humanness.”29 til I die…[and] …Russian bots are in love with me”..is FIRE! 🙂 -Jacques Fleury, author of “You Are Enough: The Journey to Accepting Your Authentic Self.”
thank you
I like these! And you do have a good heart.
Love the Russian bot muse. Soul stolen on a train in Baltimore, you may have an old soul but a young mind. Great work! Remind me to tell you some day about the extended conversation I had with the actor who played the detective in Blue Velvet. i didn’t make the connection between him and the poet/editor George Dickerson. Actually he did most o the talking, kind of a long disquisition on the semi-colon, Very Lynchian in its way…I’d post the poem I wrote about it of i could remember the tile of it….