Mostly Water
From a womb of seawater we glide to earth
On a river of salt and blood. In life
A river of salt and blood encircles our hearts
And the moon speaks to our bones.
Our bones pass from the earth and are gone, but the water stays.
When I die let me climb the veins of an oak tree
From the veins of an oak tree let me pass into air, into cloud
Let me fall over cities and towns
Over rivers and streams let me thrash in the rapids
In a clear glass bottle let me cultivate stillness
Let the eye of the sun find a clear glass bottle
Let it turn me into a pillar of light.
Jenny Williamson’s writing has been featured in 24Mag, Wild River Review, Poetic Voices, and in Philadelphia’s Writing Aloud series. She has also received recognition from the Academy of American Poets and NPR’s Young Poets Series.