Poetry from Joseph Ogbonna

The Awesome Himalaya

An awesome great height,

and a multiplex geologic frame

with breathtaking designs.

Snow capped summits and peaks,

large valleys with heaps of

solid water and freezing salt.

Extensive water gorges with

rich flora and fauna;

like the delicate growing viola,

the ever creeping frageria,

the tuft potent ilia,

lesser pandas,

the very elusive polar leopard,

and the dreadful luciferian black bear.

All these speak loudly and visibly to you

about me – The Himalaya.

I have promoted and elevated a few to

the heroic peaks of intrepid success.

The chief of them being Hillary.

Still any who dares to maintain the upward

trajectory will undoubtedly be indelibly rewarded.

I am a rare sight to behold, and the melting pot of the red dragon, the golden sparrow, the thunderbolt, the incredible land of the gods, and Ali Jinnah’s carved out jewel.