Poetry from Joshua Martin

about the flesh made as a list

cruel overview creeping insights

breathless movements draining livid

fragility / or

                concepts under duress

                squeezing thematically

                tho straining whimsical

                bookends gracefully obscure [

, ‘remaining deadly & counterproductive’ /

         meaning discontinued at


    [‘who defects & who remains???’]

; punctuation facelift ragas bleeding aerial tributes

  as survival weaves ragged hazards into landscapes

  mystically illegal while expanding and spilling and

  running in hydroelectric momentum

                                                          ] : : : : :

                      =gO mOvE,

                                   TrIp / FLOW,

            aiming topical hand sleeves

            settling for retold deception

                                               PiLLoWs =

= / / / /

        NoR morphing diatribe

                                       TroTs / / / / /

alternately, the bathtub correspondence machine

shifting the moon’s comedic counteroffer chores

wallowing functional floodgates that fade chronology =

                                             But wither =

                   sElDoM effective

         , a TooL

                      taken for an audience

shiver the shelf beheaded & degraded

who carried the basket, the situation lacking harmless potions   


\ = = bOlD = = / , praised mesmerism

, daubed, described as MusicaL dentures:

                              ‘Nocturnal larynx

                               stunned through

                               complacent tubes’ / / / / / of

great distinguished cartography, persons named

with MorbId growth / vacant, scattered, frothy,

regenerated dreams:


                                        phobias, ,

                                                hysteria, , ,

           ‘the SAME hat? ? ?’ / /

/ / :

     ; personality conflicts generalized /

                   suffice, un=


freeLY associated & A

                                 RaNgE oF




? ? ? ? Ultimately, latent,

         a panorama, drowsy: sheer LiNkeD

                                              applications; / ; /

; proximate,

              pre-scientific / ‘blEEdInG


/ ! ! ! ! ! efforts are instructions,

                   frequently VeileD, heretofore,

thoroughly IM=

               probable, / @@@ ^^^^^*, ‘That




\ = occupied = swift hollering

                           DaDa BonBons / / / / / :

         TransPaReNt realities, daily bathers,

LaTeNt conflicts [our disregard for entanglements] /

                  : pause to cOOk the dripping rebukes

until speech patterns erode

Joshua Martin is a Philadelphia based writer and filmmaker, who currently works in a library. He is a member of C22, an experimental writing collective. He is the author most recently of the books isolated version of nexus (Pere Ube), lung f,r,a,g,m,e,n,t,s before grazing *asterisk* (Moria Poetry), and Cubist Facelifts (C22 Press) . He has had numerous pieces published in various journals. You can find links to his published work at joshuamartinwriting.blogspot.com

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