Poetry from Jumanazarov Zohidjon

Young teen Central Asian boy, short dark hair, reading glasses, and a white collared shirt and black coat and tie.

Life is a journey, winding and long
Full of moments both weak and strong
It's a tapestry woven with joy and pain
A symphony of loss and gain

Each day a new chapter to unfold
With stories of love, and tales untold
A dance of laughter, a song of tears
A canvas painted with hopes and fears

Life is a gift, a precious treasure
A tapestry of moments to be measured
So cherish each breath, embrace the unknown
For in this life, our true selves are shown

Jumanazarov Zohidjon Eldor o‘g‘li
2nd course student of Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture 
Winner of the National Award "Stars of New Uzbekistan",  Project Manager of the International Teachers Association
Member of the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals Author of “Sociology of Management”, “Art Management” and  “Ethical Leadership”

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