Poetry from K.G. Munro

Twilight Fire 

Tonka bean ghosting your nose provokes interest
Sparking flames of desire to escape the gloom 
Between my cold lips, secrets go to have a rest,
Midnight is between my desires as I show interest.
My visage is a puzzle, can you pass my test? 
As you try to touch the flame, your smile does bloom,
Under the red moon, you catch me and can attest 
To the fact that I am worth the risk and your interest
As we make our great escape away from the gloom. 

Vaping Away A Lifetime

The youth of today 
Smoking their lungs into charcoal 
The dangers that lurk behind 
Brightly colored pens 
Pretending to be harmless, 
When they are filled with heavy 
Metals and other toxic substances
Behind the apple scent 
There is cancer, organ damage, 
And medical debt 
Each puff is another day that you will
never get back 
Each cough is another scar in your lungs 
Suffocating you with every inhale
Vaping steals your future 
Because it destroys your health
And without that 
You have no lifetime to live.