Umring bo‘yi ishonging kelar
Buyuk bo‘lib tug‘ilganingga.
Farishtalar ishora qilar
Deya ko‘kdan sen kelganingga.
Umr o‘tdi. Chang – to‘zon aro
Bilmay bormi yo eding yo‘qdan.
Yerostiga chorlaydi sado,
Lek ishorat bo‘lmadi ko‘kdan.
● Alexander Arkadyevich Feinberg
You believe throughout your life,
That you born being great, talented
Born once in a million.
Wait for angels to prove that.
Time has gone, life ended
Without purpose and achievement
You’ve realized nothing.
Next life is waiting you, but no prove yet
● Translation by Shukurilloyeva Lazzatoy Shamshodovna