Poetry from Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa

Light skinned Filipina woman with reddish hair, a green and yellow necklace, and a floral pink and yellow and green blouse.
Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa

You and I are One

Am I prepared to cross over the threshold line?

Threshold line that will, somehow, humanity define

Humanity defined, as from heavenly God divine

From heavenly God, by a line drawn thinly fine

What is it that distinguished God from man?

Man designed from God’s image as human

Human, that for his sin, from heaven did ban

Ban. yet a salvation for us all, God did plan

If we were truly from God’s image formed

Formed, why now our souls became deformed?

Deformed, when pride in worldly egos stormed

Stormed, as arrogance in our hearts wormed

From a tiny single atom, we were all born

Born, yet our brothers and sisters, we scorn

Scorn and abused, until the cords were torn

Torn from promise of salvation we were sworn

Why must we, hatred and violence in others fan?

Fan the flames of greed and sufferings of man

Man, that is born alone and without a clan

A clan that divides, though You and I are One

Am I prepared to cross over the threshold line?

Threshold line that somehow, my humanity will define

Humanity defined, for my heavenly God divine

My heavenly God, who opened a door so fine

Dark Cloud

When stars are unseen

And nights are cold

Hearts may go frozen

Unheard phrases told

Winds howl loud, unruly

Silencing nature’s beauty

Old trees watch with pity

Drowned stalks of lily

Moon hidden behind dark cloud

No strength to protect her stars

Dawn creeps to end cruel wars

Sun rises, mighty and proud

Peace surrounds the mountain

Yet frogs, fish corpses ferment

What has earth at night gain?

Free compost, all decent

Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa was born January 14, 1965, in Manila Philippines. She has worked as a retired Language Instructor, interpreter, caregiver, secretary, product promotion employee, and private therapeutic masseur. Her works have been published as poems and short story anthologies in several language translations for e-magazines, monthly magazines, and books; poems for cause anthologies in a Zimbabwean newspaper; a feature article in a Philippine newspaper; and had her works posted on different poetry web and blog sites. She has been writing poems since childhood but started on Facebook only in 2014. For her, Poetry is life and life is poetry.

Lilian Kunimasa considers herself a student/teacher with the duty to learn, inspire, guide, and motivate others to contribute to changing what is seen as normal into a better world than when she steps into it. She has always considered life as an endless journey, searching for new goals, and challenges and how she can in small ways make a difference in every path she takes. She sees humanity as one family where each one must support the other and considers poets as a voice for Truth in pursuit of Equality and proper Stewardship of nature despite the hindrances of distorted information and traditions.