Sweet Coral of Oz
It was but a passing chance meeting
A name I did not even remember seeing
By chance we both noticed a funny post
But by your memory in details I would have been lost
Your passion for fairness I could never forget
How you did stand to your principles set
A poem I wrote who would think would start
A friendship so true in form as a dart
A nasty post once that made me cry
Overnight you stayed by my side
Never mentioned that I was being petty
I was struck by your patient loyalty
Days and months did pass us by
Never once to each other did we lie
For a time together we fought for a cause
Now we are too busy from different source
Still the friendship kept its glow
As our rivers to other branches flow
Strange how two strangers connect so neat
When in person we still yet have to meet
Heal with Smile
Many are the secrets of pain
With scars seen and unseen
Blood and tears a soul stain
Smile covered the past scene
Not deceit nor indifference
Pains still remain not gone
Grieve or move on’s chance
A choice where love has won
It is not a spiritual weakness
When one choose to forget
Outside one show happiness
Inside same joy one can get
Heal inside as heal outside
Inspire others forbearance
Awaken strength in reside
A smile not for appearance
Why must choose to wallow
Sink your head in filthy gutter
Why drown in sea of sorrow
Joy from other source gather
Life is hard but still beautiful
In the midst of dark seek light
Consider the glass as half full
Space to fill with greater delight
Lilian Dipasupil Kunimasa was born January 14, 1965, in Manila Philippines. She has worked as a retired Language Instructor, interpreter, caregiver, secretary, product promotion employee, and private therapeutic masseur. Her works have been published as poems and short story anthologies in several language translations for e-magazines, monthly magazines, and books; poems for cause anthologies in a Zimbabwean newspaper; a feature article in a Philippine newspaper; and had her works posted on different poetry web and blog sites. She has been writing poems since childhood but started on Facebook only in 2014. For her, Poetry is life and life is poetry.
Lilian Kunimasa considers herself a student/teacher with the duty to learn, inspire, guide, and motivate others to contribute to changing what is seen as normal into a better world than when she steps into it. She has always considered life as an endless journey, searching for new goals, and challenges and how she can in small ways make a difference in every path she takes. She sees humanity as one family where each one must support the other and considers poets as a voice for Truth in pursuit of Equality and proper Stewardship of nature despite the hindrances of distorted information and traditions.