Not Really
I sat under a cherry tree
writing love songs.
Not really, but what if I did?
Your heart, my heart, our hearts
vowed to be together.
Not really, but what if we did?
We held the moon in our hands,
picked daffodils in the rain.
Not really, but what if we did?
One magic moment we kissed
and vowed our love was true.
Not really, but what if it was?
Dying to Live
I am no flower.
I am not thin enough.
I am dying to live
in a photograph.
Years later, you at
my side, in a photo,
what a lovely thing,
a smile on our faces.
Such splendor and
beauty in the back-
ground. I leave this
world this old photo
from a happy time.
I stick out my tongue
and puff out my chest
as a ghost. My white
hair, far from radiant.
Where have my eyes
gone? Where is my
flesh. I hide even if no
one is looking for me.
I am all bones. My
skeleton hand shakes.
My soul is long gone
from this earth. The
finality of life leaves
a ghost facsimile,
an oxidized monster,
which time no longer
waits for.
Sleep TalkingĀ
I speak for much too long
without pause in my sleep.
I speak without filter when
we are apart in my dreams.
In my daydreaming days is
where you kiss me at last.
It is all I want on days the
streets are wet with rain.
Quivering on snowy days
like a grape on the vine, I
freeze up again and again.
I wish for another dream
where you wrap me up
in your embrace. When
are you coming my way?
I cannot wait to see you.
Is it today or tomorrow?
I am wise to know it might
be too long of a wait. I
speak whole volumes of
nonsense. I speak it in
my sleep. I speak so much.
It must be awful to sleep
near me. One can only
imagine. When I sleep
I will spill my guts. I must
put my hands over my mouth.
Difficult to pick a favorite, but I’ll go with “Dying to Live.”
excellent poems my friend.
These are really good poems! I enjoyed reading them!