Poetry from Mahzuna Habibova

Central Asian woman with short straight dark hair, brown eyes, and a white collared shirt and black pants seated on a rock outdoors with water and green bushes behind her.

My country is in my heart…

When you die – my happiness is inevitable,
Memories are bright inside – your history.
I sing in your arms, my words are triumphant,
Say “oh” every time you take your medicine.

Your height is higher than I value,
The whole world is one world.
Be a light, my country, with my body –
Let’s say saffron to the poor.

If you are told to die with longing –
He is the figure of Babur. – “dodi” in the language.
With the “pen” that conquered the world,
Your prayers will never fade away.

Take care of yourself, shield your freedom,
The beasts are the prey of my sword.
A clot of blood swirled around his chest.
Don’t let it go like that – the sasi of ghanim.

Put a word in the heart – pain from clutching,
Stay intoxicated with freedom.
– Until I stay in your arms forever…
– May I find luck in your arms…

Mahzuna Habibova AŹ¼zam  kizi. She was born on October 10, 1998 in Jondor district, Bukhara region. Currently a student of Gulistan State University. In Uzbekistan, his first book called “Lines of Longing” was published.
      In this book “I sing my country” there are poems for our readers about the homeland, love for the homeland, love, friendship, nature, parents. We think that the book will surely take a place in your heart.