Fire flies into the blood go of a distant time.
Your words lying at my thoughts top I hear
It’s you to cover me making me dawn
More than the sword , sinks the emotion
In the boiling blood more than the must
Less raw than the life blood
But if you caress me like a daisy
investigating petal by petal
his yellow ochre heart to be reached
staring me in the lilac tattoo of the violet
I still undo my shadow dress
come into me, don’t disappoint the wait
My secret lover
Reach me in breeze or fire
In calm never
Let love be between torment and ecstasy
Let it be hug between waiting and arrival
What a sweeter embrace
than in hope,
never again hoped
my love?
At the fountain
of that ethereal shadow
there lies the heavy weight
of the universe:
we are human light
in the thunderbolt of blood,
spastic movements of pawns
in the dismal suffering
of this ”humanism”
for we can never know
the age of the soul
ours, or anybody’s.
And time seconds us
in space that polishes us
shavings of illusions.
I shall not escape my punishment:
well do I know
the mine of the blade
and I shall struggle to live
where all is ruination.
Maria Teresa Liuzzo was born in Saline di Montebello Jonico and lives in Reggio di Calabria (Italy). President of the Lyric-Dramatic Association ”P. Benintende” – Journalist – Publisher. Chief Editor of the literary magazine ”LE MUSE” – Essayist – Lyricist – Literary and art critic – Director of Public Relations – Translator – Opinionist – Writer – Doctor of Psychology – Leibniz University Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. – Professor of Philosophy and Modern Literature – USA. – Correspondent of ”IL PONTE ITALO – AMERICANO” – USA – ”NUOVA CORVINA” EUROPA – (Hunedoara) – Collaborator of ”ALB-SPIRIT” TIRANA (ALBANIA), ”Gazzetta Nazionale” (Tirana). ”Perqasje” (Tirana); ”Gazeta Destinacioni” (Valona – Albania); ”Dritare” and ”Albania Press” (based in Rome); ”Atunis” (Belgium – Brussels); Alessandria Today (Italy); ”EZGULIK” – Bukhara (UZBEKISTAN) dir. Obid KOLDOSH.