Poetry from Mashhura Usmonova


Maybe you will wait me furtively,
Why is it I’m writing it on a small piece of paper?
I’m silly, I’m weird, I cannot understand,
After leaving you and coming back I’ll become crazy.
Maybe you have forgotten,
A smiling girl walking in your street.
Where did our ways broke a part?
Or are we now strangers to these streets.
Maybe you have missed my flaw, dull,
But written with a special kindness poems.
Sometimes, my heart becomes tired of silence,
When the questions do not let me go.
My cure is you, but paper is being my sympathy,
I hurt my heart by trying to write something on it.
The street that was full of my laughter formerly,
Is now filled with me and my tears.
The feeling that you do not know or do not realize,
Paper even can understand my speechlessness.
I want to become a piece of paper,
Which you wanted to see something written on.


Do not think
I have grown old,
I’m still the same, the same that you knew.
I do not know whether I justified your trust or not,
But I do know I have made your pain even more.
Sometimes, I get your words wrong,
Sometimes, I get upset from you.

But I did not know that you had a heart as well,
Was I crazy while not controlling my tongue?
Maybe, you will be happy while reading mistake less poems,
Poems that are devoted to you.
But before I fill my life with mistakes,
Please keep teaching the life to me

Mashhura Usmonova Zafarjon’s daughter was born on May 16, 2006 in Gallaorol district, Jizzakh region the Republic of Uzbekistan. Currently she’s 18 years old. Mashhura is a student of Samarkand State University. She has been practicing writing poetry since she was 10 years old. Now, she is the author of about 100 poems. She is a member of international organizations in Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Argentina, and India. Her poems are regularly published in newspapers and magazines such as “Mushtum”, “Gulkhan”, “Guncha”, “Bilimdon”, “Tong yulduzi”, “Nazm gulshani”, “Ezgulik”, “Kelajak bunyodkori” and “Gallaorol ovozi”. She makes creative performances on Uzbekitan24, Sevimli, MY5, Bolajon, JizzakhTV television and radio channels. In addition, her works have been published in book collections in the USA, Azerbaijan, Turkey,
and Great Britain. She’s the winner of more than 30 republican contests. She likes to read books and travel. Her future goal is to become a philologist.