Poetry from Maurizio Brancaleoni

Inscribed In Siltstone

Ancient the relics of thy chthonic passion
Primeval is the amygdala-saurus
Of thy unperturbèd ur-intelligence
Pristine your solicitous quickest instinct

A splendid bolus hardcoded through eons
In the original processing system
Stupendous corpus in tenebrous locus
Coffer’d miscellaneous minutalia

Neither impermanence nor transience affect
Thy everlasting sentience macadamized
Unalterable in unmoving hardness

Took up thy abode in the first guts to stay
Record uncorrupted of feral forebears
Always safe from annihilation to come

Maurizio Brancaleoni is a writer and translator. His poems/haiku/short stories/pastiches have appeared in several journals and anthologies. He has a bilingual blog where he posts literary gems, interviews and translations. ‘Inscribed In Siltstone’ is a meditation in sonnet form about fossils and their obscure antiquity.

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