Poetry from Mesfakus Salahin

South Asian man with reading glasses and red shoulder length hair. He's got a red collared shirt on.
Mesfakus Salahin


Tell me what should I compose 
My pen is paralyzed 
My garden turns into wasteland
My brain is fully unprofessional 
The Nature is disorder
The environment is disturbed 
The tree of loneliness is increasing 
Absence lives in presence 
Nobody can hear the heartbeat of air
I am without me
I am alone
Everyone is alone
The earth is alone
Birds do not dream 
Dream has no existence  
Flowers sleep outside the sight of butterflies

The butterflies burnt their flute
The cowboys don’t play flute
My spring has lost it's beauty 
Beauty doesn't smile 
The children have lost their silver moon
The moon doesn’t compose poems on the sky
The sky doesn't sing the song of humanity
Humanity doesn’t give water to the grasses
Grasses don’t walk on the roads
The roads are without passersby 
One fears another
 Shadow fears shadow
Life flies far away

History weeps behind civilization 
The pregnant darkness plays with darkness 
The funeral of spirituality has ended
The houses become hospitals 
The world is a graveyard 
Writing is a Tombstone   
Oh The Lord of the universe 
I am your
We are your 
Pardon us and save us.