Prayer of a Sinner
This is not everything,
Not the end of everything.
I have to go another world,
Which is real but mysterious.
Death is the media to enter the world
That world will be endless
And death will never be a visitor there.
Death will be a dead stranger there.
The ferry is ready to carry
The earth is waiting
Nature will adorn everything beautifully
I have to lay down in the fixed room
With a new dress of white cloth
The dress will be without pocket and stich
I shall have no chance to take anything.
The room will be closed forever
It will not have any door or window
Bed will never be there
Nobody will give company or anything
I will be detoched from this world
I will be attached with another world.
My bones will not make sound
My heart will not beat
All the organs will be separated
Only good deeds will be friend in the darkness
And bad deeds will be snake
I must be rewarded for my good deeds
And disgraced for my bad deeds.
The creator is the best justice
Who will judge everything on the great day.
Finally, I will get my permanent address
Oh God, my Creator, You are great
You are very kind
I am a sinner
I have done wrong things
I have walked on the wrong track
But I love you
You are always in my beliefs
Please forget my sin and forgive me
I want your forgiveness.