Poetry from Mesfakus Salahin

South Asian man with reading glasses and red shoulder length hair. He's got a red collared shirt on.
Mesfakus Salahin

The First Love Song

The night is beautiful as an angel is in my arms

She is dancing and singing the first love song

I am trembling with new feeling

I found love fighting against some odds 

I am in the first love song,

Though it is unknown to me.

The night is perfect as it holds her  dreams

In the darkness l can easily read her dreams with love’s light

She says, “Darling, dive in my heart and

 take my heart to fill it with your love.

I have been looking for you for a thousand years

At last I have found you tonight.”

The night is beautiful as all the flowers bloom

The time watch is right

The angel owns my time

I become a timeless boy 

I share my night

She shares her secrets

We  see our future in one another eyes

we sing the first love song in the world.

The night is attractive and l deserve it

I have faith in the first love song

I have faith in the angel

I have faith in the night.

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