Poetry from Murodova Muslima Kadyrovna

Teen Uzbek girl with brown eyes, long dark hair, a dark tan blouse.


Is there a poet like you?

Unmatched in kindness and loyalty.

Every girl with love

I remember your poems.

I also like this day,

I took a pen in my hand.

To serve the country,

I gave birth to my tongue.

You have taken a place in the tongues,

A symbol of love and loyalty.

You are the pride of the nation.

A great Uzbek woman.

to win the love of El

A high reward in itself.

If I were a poet,

Dreams have wings.

The honor of the country like you,

If I sing, I will burn.

Motherland, as my mother,

I will be happy if I write poems.

I say if it blooms and lives,

My country is prosperous.

I’m happy to see you,

I say my motherland.

I’m your girl

My country, my mother.

One day your faith will be justified,

Dear Zulfiyakhanim.

About Zulfiyakhanim and her writing here.

Murodova Muslima Kadyrovna was born on June 29, 2010 in Jondar district of Bukhara region. Currently, she is an 8th grade student of school No. 30 in this district. Her first book of poetry was published in 2024 under the name “Come beautiful spring”. Winner of many achievements. She won the 2nd place at the festival held in the district. She won the 1st place in the district stage and the 2nd place in the regional stage of the “Bakhtim Shul: Zulfiyasiman Uzbek” contest. Her first anthology was published by the UK publisher JustfictionEdition. Head of “Muslima’s” blog and “Bright Girls” Academy. A young teacher who was able to develop about 350 artists. Owner of more than 50 international certificates. Her creative works have been published in the magazines of Germany, Great Britain, USA, Moldova, Kenya and many other famous countries. Author of the anthologies “Youth of Uzbekistan” and “Toward my goals…”! Holder of the Order “Follower of the Great Warriors”.