Poetry from Muslima Murodova Kadyrovna

Central Asian teen girl with long dark hair in a floral blue and white blouse standing in front of a map.
 My mother

 In the bosom of the nine moons,
 My honorable mother who gave birth to me.
 Nurtured in a warm embrace,
 My kind, loving companion.

 Her eyes shine with joy,
 The kindest, innocent world.
 She builds a castle of flowers in your heart,
 She prays in every word.

 Of course, intentions will be answered.
 I will take you to Hajj, my shining jewel.
 Thank you, thank you a thousand times,
 My pain, my pleasure, my confidante, my mother.
Murodova Muslima Kadyrovna was born on June 29, 2010 in Jondar district of Bukhara region. Currently, she is a 7th grade student at school No. 30 in this district. Her first poem was published in 2024 under the name "Come beautiful spring." She won the 2nd place at the festival held in the district. She won the 1st place in the district stage and the 2nd place in the regional stage of the "Bakhtim Shul: Zulfiyasiman Uzbek" contest. Her first anthology was published by the UK publisher Justfiction Edition.