Poetry from Mykyta Ryzhykh


 Green grass in the belly of a dead cow

The sun hides behind a bashful horizon


And when the banana peel turned black, God was no longer able to fix anything.


man rested his head 

against the wooden sky 

and there is nothing 

higher than the sky


My hand has dried up and my stomach has rusted. I have become an empty iron can of cola that will cut your tongue in half. My home is now a cesspool of industrial history, because no one needs me either. (As well as world history and culture.) The doctors will try to help you, but sepsis. There is a commercial break on the surgical screen and then shit again. The freckles have disappeared. Someone will have to pay back the loan for all this.


Kill me with a clay name oh chitinous god

But others are dying again

Someone is watering the lilacs that grew instead of a cemetery