Poetry from Orinbayeva Dildara

Central Asian teen girl with dark hair and a white beaded headband and a white collared shirt and dark sweater.

From happiness

I thought that poems would end with happiness,

It’s candlelight, it’s dark.

I couldn’t write poems because of happiness,

The candle burned in vain.

I thought that poems would end with happiness,

Every word is from love.

I write poetry, I have not broken my promise

But from the hatred that I have in my heart. 

I thought that poems would end with happiness,

Like Layla,

My prince is even stranger than Majnun,

I don’t know why I am happy.

My life is a simple tale,

Not ordinary, not even a fairy tale 

I have pain, grave heart,

Poetry is my comfort.

I’m patient as a poet,

I burn, I get tired, I don’t die.

The world is now on fire.

I will answer as a candle.

Orinbayeva Dildara was born on March 10, 2008 in Tortkol district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.  9th grade student of school No. 24 of Tortkol district.  He reads with excellent grades and is the captain of the Youth Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He has organized many events.  She is a talented writer whose poems have been published.  The poem “Loyalty” was published in the “Korparcha Collection”.  The article “INTERESTING INFORMATION ABOUT BIOLOGY.” was published in the International Anthology of Blue Sky Stars. The poem “Rain” was published and indexed on Google sites.  The poem “Ozligim Anglab” was published in “Future Scholars Creative Collection” and “Book, Certificate, Diploma.”  He became the owner.  Holder of international certificates.

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