The “tired” and “poor” now fleeing to our borders
can just turn back. Go home. It’s not my problem.
If they face massacre—Scrooge said it best:
“Decrease the surplus population.” Yes!
These “homeless,” “tempest-tossed” are welfare pests.
Let “huddled masses” huddle somewhere else—
not in my backyard. Or in my country.
We’re not averse to proper immigration.
We spread a welcome mat for white-skinned Aryans—
rich, well-fed, well-heeled—like Musk and Murdock.
Let’s face it—God’s another sticky problem.
Those who call God “Allah” or Jehovah”
are heretic, like brown-skinned Papists; those
whose culture sees God through a different lens
should just convert, be born again, conform.
It’s time for Christian nationalists to rule.
I lift my lamp and sneer at shithole countries.
We don’t need “wretched refuse” eating cats.
A golden door for some; for most, a wall–
with tariffs on all imports. Brave new world!
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
–Emma Lazarus, 1883
Copyright 11/2024 Patricia Doyne