Poetry from Paul Tristram

You’re Not The Same Man As You Were Yesterday

When you are Brave enough

to Conquer your own Soul…

there’ll be no need or reason

to ‘Prove Yourself’

to anyone else ever again.

It is a bleak trial by fire…

a need to face the Dark,

wincing through the Strain,

but refusing to look away.

To remain painfully ‘honest’

and refuse the Devil’s bait

of ‘get out of jail free’ lies

and avoidance by excuses

… takes an Inner Strength

that most cannot comprehend.

You will find an Integrity

awaiting patiently for you

at the other end of Restraint…

Dignity born of Self-Control.

Courage from shouldering

Adversity without whimper

or complaint… and rising

back up onto Determined feet.


… I have loved you longer than mountains remember…

Never stop following me away from the Light

… Spiritually, we are just… Letting Go…

of 3D Safety Bars for a Magical-Interlude

… you can experience the ‘Drop’

without actually ‘Falling’ to Destruction.

Both sides of the coin… in one decision

… that ‘Missed Opportunity’ still Burns

because you are watering it with ‘Regret’.

In the 5D you flow so BRIGHTLY

that I wince whenever I am anywhere Near

the COLOUR of your Gorgeous Emotions

… which is so often… we blend like this

(close eyes to access this part of the poem).

Your Soul tastes like something

… I have always known… over and again,

Birth and Death are just Gateways back

to Alternative methods of… Touch and Union.


(Not) Hawk and Vole

… ‘parasites’

are no Predators

… they are viruses.

I expect ‘Courage’

from Warriors…

but, when someone



after falling DOwn

… and, finds

‘Bravery’ buried

(Somewhere Deep)

inside of themselves.

I smile, applaud…

and (Silently,

Respectfully) wish

them well upon that

new found Path

… of Dignity…

that they are Walking.

Here, We Do Not Succumb, We Conquer

Hell yeah, do it again…

that ‘thing’ you were

so scared of

… Excellent,

go on, once more.

Listen to her

snoring slightly,

all cute and contented

… yeah, that’s right,

she was the one

doing the cartwheels

when you first arrived.

I remember her being

the 8 Of Swords

when awake…

and the 9 Of Swords

whilst sleeping.

Now, she’s all

gritted teeth

and Determination.

Oh, you’ll just know

when you’ve broken

the back of it…

because ‘applause’

becomes a distraction

and my encouragement

will merely annoy you.

Return To Glenda

When that ‘Feeling’

apprehends (heart


… and I start

Falling… again…

I RAGE (quietly)

to myself…

Fighting a Battle

with Past Trauma

and Potential…

coupled with the

URGE to ‘Abscond’.

Up A Gear

Pivot into ‘Breaking

New Ground’…

trying to ‘Outdo’

keeps you

LOCKED behind

another’s Ingenuity.


and, there is no

‘Competition’ only

(Fresh) Adventure,

and ‘Dynamic’

Pathways to ‘Glory’.

Be the ‘Buzz’

and ‘Noise’… with

-out participating…

apart from with ‘Art’.

© Paul Tristram 2024

The Slipping Of The Net

Catharsis and ‘The Butterfly Effect’

… your MIND ‘Balancing’

between [Main] Chapters…

“Ah, you’ve discovered corridors

and back lanes… through…

and around… the ‘Obvious’, good

you’re both Learning and Growing.”

I could Not have done THIS

without ‘Disappointment’

… the Tenacity and Determination

was just me Fighting Onwards…

the Real Fuel was Accepting Loss

whilst Refusing to be Beaten-Final.

Hate, Vindictiveness, Bitterness

are Traps, but also Energy Blocks

… the Universe can only WORK

with You through Clear Channels!

Flow and Adapt… Sun Seeking

vines manoeuvring towards Light

… we only Progress backwards

to ‘Fix Things’ to help the machine

(us), Propel Forwards more Fluidly.

Paul Tristram is a Welsh writer who has poems and short stories published in many publications around the world, he yearns to tattoo porcelain bridesmaids instead of digging empty graves for innocence at midnight, this too may pass, yet. His novel Crazy Like Emotion was recently released upon the public by Close To The Bone Publishing.

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