Poetry from Paul Tristram

An Overcomer Pauses, Momentarily, To Reflect

It is the rising back up

not the falling down

which determines

your character…

make yourself proud.

I SHINE out brightly


an equal b-a-l-a-n-c-e

of positive and negative

… for such is life.

I want nothing,

nor no-one… I cannot

achieve honestly,

and adds to my Flow.

I’m coming at success

from a disadvantage…

a position I helped

construct from disaster.

Yet, I’m pleased with

the man I am today…

and even happier with

the one I am becoming.

Different, Now… No Hand Of God, I Sculpt Myself

I refuse to accept relationship retreads

… Winter is warmed

by logs once planted in Spring…

seesaw ‘Effort’ or lose ‘Balance’

… carrying someone else’s share

is either ‘Temporary’ or a BURDEN.

Empathy will only help ‘Support’

but will not FIX any Shadow Work

… Healing Thyself stops you

reaching outwards

and (Instead) finding Adult Solutions.

Each time you’ve got an Opportunity

to be ‘Mean’ and you turn away

… you GROW, and are Rewarded

with Elevation, and (Healthy) ‘Pride’.

I used to consider myself a Mirror,

giving/dishing out exactly what I got

… now, I am not even in the room,

a Ghost, you are lucky to be even near.

It Ends Here

No Jamboree awarded

… frown-wrinkled…

the gulf between

a narcissist’s REAL

SELF and its ‘mask’

is phenomenally wide.

Bang your pots,

make a loud noise…

you only ‘intimidate’

weak people… coward.

Learning To Grow Where There’s No Light But Hope

Replacing ‘Binge’ and ‘Moodswing’

with consistent productivity…

to not be ‘Triggered’

requires the wearing of less Armour.

I’m not arguing with you

because you’re ‘Angry’…

I’m not ‘Angry’, I’m ‘Smiling’

and taking the scenic route to Calm.

My ambition requires solo journeys

… with occasional handshakes

with mutually respectful individuals

where ‘Deals’ are made

towards ‘Advancement’ not ‘Snake’.

I do not predict ‘Trouble’,

I’m merely aware of its presence…

along the Pathway to Success which

‘Intertwines’ with that Road to Ruin.

The Spell Is Broken

Just watch her ‘Composure’

absolutely do one…

the moment he walks in,

and completely ignores her.

There are 3 of them,

foolishly and egotistically

playing ‘Musical Chairs’

in his Energy and Attention.

He’s after ‘Clemence’…

but, she’s not here, is she

… no, she’s not interested

in ‘Playas’… she’s decent.

We’ve BLOCKED them

out completely…

took us months to do it

… we lost Natalie, Sarah,

Bridget and Lorraine

in the complicated process.

And now, the Predators

are ‘Optionless’ (at least

in our circle)… so have

fallen back to swordfight

amongst their wicked selves.

Seating Arrangements

‘Wending’… only whilst

up to no good,

otherwise on a mission

marching direct/focused.

You’re complaining

about the ‘inconsistency’

of an inconsistent person

… that’s why I stopped

bothering with you…

I’m not offended, at all

… you can make

no sense all by yourself.

I do not ‘approach’

nor ‘close the distance’

… I decide, fixedly,

upon whom to let sit

down upon the handful

of valuable ‘Chairs’

which I am entertaining

at the changeable moment.

Unconscious Soul-Prisons Be Damned

I sat listening as you kept referring

to her as your ‘Rock’

… whilst, observing her

Basting your ‘Misery’ moist

with a delicate, calculated Cruelty.

Each time you… reached…

to do something ‘Independent’

she was there to Intervene

with a “Let me, dearest,”

and you’d (unthinkingly) SHRink

back down to ‘Pet Size’ again.

Whenever your contagious,

brilliant Enthusiasm and Passion

… reared their beautiful heads,

they were met with “Be careful

that you don’t excite yourself

too much, and have another turn.”

‘I can’t watch anymore’ I thought,

rising up onto my feet to leave…

“Don’t you ever get lonely?”

you asked at the front door step

as we said our last ever goodbye.

“… I couldn’t do it, myself,

I just don’t know what I’d do with

-out her in my life, I really don’t.”

“Become ‘Yourself’ again,”

I answered sincerely, walking away.

Paul Tristram is a Welsh ‘Street’ Writer who has poems, short stories & flash fiction published in hundreds of different publications all around the world. He yearns to tattoo porcelain bridesmaids instead of digging empty graves for innocence at midnight, this too may pass, yet.

His novel “Crazy Like Emotion”, shorter fiction collection “Kicking Back Drunk ‘Round The Candletree Graves” and full-length poetry collections “The Dark Side Of British Poetry: Book 1 of Urban, Cinematic, Degeneration” and “It Is Big And It Is Clever: Book 1 Of A Punk Rock Hostile Takeover” are available from Close To The Bone Publishing.

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