Girls picking flowers
Makes bouquets
The guys are also gathered
“Ko’pkari” plays the game
Both mountains and gardens
It is bluish in color
Swallows are coming
Everyone knows that.
This is the most wonderful holiday
Nowruz, my dears,
Ancient, traditional
Everyone will appreciate it.
Grandmother, grandfather
They always pray
Peace and health
They put it in their eyes
Rasulova Rukhshona Vahobjon’s daughter was born on October 16, 2008 in Rishton district of Fergana region. In 2015, she started studying in the 1st grade of school 34 in this district. Currently, she is a 9th grade student of this school. Rukhshona Rasulova is interested in participating in various competitions, writing poems and stories, and reading many books.
She regularly participates in school and district competitions and takes pride of place. Also she participates in many online contests and earned international certificates. She is a member of various creative teams and the 2024 “Ufq ilmi” 1st place winner.
As a young artist she has unlimited goals in her heart. Her biggest dream is to become a “young reader”.
Rukhshona Rasulova’s poems were published in the book “Youth of Uzbekistan” published by Justfiction publishing house, and in one of the most prestigious British magazines “Raven Cage” and “Kenya Time” in Thailand. And she has been included in various anthologies covering artists across the Republic.