Poetry from Sadoqatxon Ahmadaliyeva

Ode to Parents

In the dawn of life’s first breath,
With love as deep as ocean’s depth,
Stand our parents, strong and true,
Guiding paths for me and you.

Father’s hands, worn and wise,
Hold the stars in endless skies,
Teaching strength, instilling pride,
With gentle words and a steadfast stride.

Mother’s heart, a beacon bright,
Glows with love, purest light,
Her tender care, a soft embrace,
A sacred bond time can’t erase.

Through the storms and sunny days,
In their gaze, a timeless blaze,
They nurture dreams, dispel our fears,
With whispered hopes and silent tears.

In their laughter, warmth we find,
In their patience, hearts aligned,
Their sacrifices, vast and grand,
Shape the future with a loving hand.

For every night, they stayed awake,
For every tear, they chose to break,
Their selfless love, a boundless sea,
An endless source of strength for me.

So here’s to parents, pillars strong,
In our hearts, where they belong,
Eternal guardians, steadfast, near,
Their love, a treasure, everclear.

Sadoqatxon Sabirjon qizi Ahmadaliyeva was born on January 12, 2008, in Uzbekistan. She is currently an 11th-grade student at School №32. She is learning English and Arabic. She has a passion for history and has read many books on the subject. This year, she received a certificate for successfully participating in the pilot testing process for the PISA international research.