Poetry from Shamsiya Khudoynazarova Turumnova

Young middle aged Central Asian woman with short brown hair, reading glasses, a floral top and brown jacket.
Shamsiya Khudoynazarova Turumovna

Look, March Has Entered This World!

This day will pass too, no day lasts forever,

Do not bow to darkness, be proud, endure.

Do not grieve, even if arrows pierce your chest,

For sorrow, too, is a gift from the Almighty.

This day will pass too, no day lasts forever,

The sun will shine and laugh upon us as well.

My dear, do not despair, do not lose heart,

Do not cry – hope still shines in our eyes.

This day will pass too, no day lasts forever,

Like snow, all sorrows will one day melt away.

One day we will weep with joy,

Our lashes trembling, our shoulders shaking…

This day will pass too, no day lasts forever,

The world belongs to those who do not break.

Do not let your heart be torn, keep it strong,

It is not the peaks that fall, but the hearts that falter.

This day will pass too, no day lasts forever,

My dear, do not grieve, wipe away your tears.

Look, we have reached the spring,

Look, March has entered this world!


Shamsiya Khudoynazarova Turumovna (February 15, 1973) was born in Uzbekistan. She studied at the Faculty of Journalism of Tashkent State University (1992-1998). She took first place in the competition of young republican poets (1999). Four collections of her poems have been published in Uzbekistan: “Leaf of the Heart” (1998), “Roads to You” (1998), “The Sky in My Chest” (2007), “Lovely Melodies” (2013). She wrote poetry in more than ten genres. She translated some Russian and Turkish poets into Uzbek, as well as a book by Yunus Emro. She lived as a political immigrant with her family for five years in Turkey and five years in Ukraine. Currently Shamsiya lives in Switzerland. She is married and the mother of five children, and has come back to writing and translation after ten years.

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