The Beacon of Knowledge
In halls where echoes softly tread,
A world of wisdom gently spreads.
Where minds awake and spirits soar,
Education opens every door.
A child’s first steps in learning’s grace,
A teacher’s patience lights their face.
From letters formed to stories told,
A bright future begins to unfold.
The books are gateways, vast and wide,
To realms of knowledge, far and wide.
In pages worn and pens that glide,
Dreams are nurtured, side by side.
The sum of all our hopes and fears,
Reflected in the students’ tears.
For every challenge met with might,
Brings forth a dawn, a clearer sight.
In science labs and art rooms bright,
In every quest for deeper light.
The seeds of thought are gently down,
In every heart a wisdom grows.
Through history’s lens and language’s song,
We find our place where we belong.
In numbers’ dance and nature’s law,
We see the world in silent awe.
For education’s gentle hand,
Shapes the mind to understand.
In every lesson, deep and true,
Lies the strength to start anew.
So let us honor every mind,
With paths to knowledge, unconfined.
For in each scholar’s fervent quest,
Lies the hope to be our best.
Qo’ziyeva Shaxribonu Muzaffar qizi was born on September 5, 2004, in Mirishkor district, Qashqadaryo region. Currently she is a 3rd year student in the Mathematics and Informatics program at Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute. She is also a mathematics teacher at School №19 in Shahrisabz district. She is learning Turkish.
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