Poetry from Sobirjonova Rayhona

Central Asian woman in a black jumpsuit and tie with a white blouse holding an open book in front of a table with a whole set of books on display. Behind her is a childlike drawing of a girl reading a book on a sunny day on a grassy field with flowers.

My Beloved Teacher
(To my Teacher HILOLA)

A gift from Allah, bestowed upon me
My kind, caring, second mother, you see
My angel, my equal, my one and only
May my children be like you, so holy

Your lessons, a whole world’s passion ignite
You spread the light of knowledge, shining bright
Pen and paper, never from your hand they stray
You opened the minds of your students, come what may

When you speak of Hilola, the teacher so grand
Students hearts fill with joy, hand in hand
All gather before your door, a happy band
Waiting with anticipation, for you to command

You dedicate your love, to books and to lore
Immediately, you begin to impart, evermore
Anything we ask, you teach with such grace
Leading us to lofty heights, to a promising place

You work tirelessly, for your students’ sake
Benefiting humanity, day and night, awake
Sometimes, you lose track of time’s fleeting flight
Yet, you spread knowledge, with all your might

A star in the world, a sun in the sky
Your worth we cannot measure, how can we try?
Forgive us, foolish ones, for our blind sight
But you have endured, with all your might

We bow our heads, before your love so true
Tears, though few, come forth, a heartfelt view
The foundation of your wisdom, we have built
No stone can now be placed, our minds have been filled

We longed for brighter days, with hearts so true
Those days have come, dear teacher, thanks to you
For us, you’ve suffered, with unwavering grace
Our fortunes smile, because of you, in this space

You’re a generous soul, selfless and kind
My mother, my father, my dear one, you’re enshrined
Your name, a legend, on everyone’s tongue
My heaven, my angel, for your presence, I’m sung

Sobirjonova Rayhona was born in Bukhara. Currently, she is a 9th grade student.