Poetry from Sterling Warner

Older white man with a trimmed beard, gray hair, sunglasses, a necklace, and a tie die tee shirt standing in front of a tree.
Big Pharma Magic (Come Find Me)

I’m getting better     just taking precautions.

Yes chickenpox covered      my elementary body

raised spots     inflammations I scratched

like hell & freed me     from a classroom

for almost two weeks     but now threaten

to reemerge     since my years pass seventy;

hit me up     with the shingles vaccine as I

diagnose health     equipping myself with antidotes.     .


Like today’s youth, I fell victim     to an ADHD misdiagnosis

believed pharmaceutical product oracles      that encouraged

overweight people     to eat, dance and sing Jardiance jingles    

pay a big pharma pipers     to manage our personal A1C 

sidestepping a professional cardiometabolic disease prognosis.


My breathing difficulty     had nothing to do

with decades     inhaling pot & tobacco smoke

no, no…, faceless voices     convinced me

my malady’s simple: I’ve got COPD     now I

respire steroids     nursing seizures and sore throats

focusing attention on my     impending Crohn’s disease

treating it and moderate ulcerative colitis     with Entyvio    

TNF-a inhibitors damaging my liver     leaving plenty to rot.


An armchair pharmacologist     I am one, tis true, tis true!

I write lists of disorders     related to suggestive syndromes

while family and friends do crossword puzzles, turn off

television ads, and engage      in gracious conversation

oblivious to my world      of perceived ailments’ simple cures.


Apart from uncontrollable     nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting,

Otezla surely medicates      my dormant plaque psoriasis

Rexulti wards off     all undetected hypertension

keeps my lurking dementia     at arm’s length

as Austedo XR     tempers quiescent body spasms   

stabilizes my moodiness     mutes self-expression

mitigates behavioral outbursts      though it promotes

suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts, and depression.


I’m a wanna be apothecary.     A chemical herbalist. Solemn,

Learned. Impressionable. Stern.     Yet if I glimpse beyond

prescriptive magic, daylight’s dismal    night time’s bleak

so I refill miracle Dosette boxes     swallow pills like sacred hosts

still, I’m in pain. I’m so far gone. I’m living dose to dose. 




Among Clouds

Savants claim everything begins with a dream

whether riding on horseback or dancing

en pointe, wearing holes in living room rugs

as you practice arabesques and pirouettes;

I envisaged your face grinning as I approached

your house for a visit, an expression

that broke into a genuine smile as you

opened the door and invited me in; as long as I

stayed, your eyes, cheeks, and mouth moved

in unison like the sweeping arm of a clock.


Nighttime and waking hour fantasies remained

hidden too often; I hungered for authentic emotions

to shift from my mind’s eye, evade sky castle

realty, make way for enduring meaning concealed

behind your mischievous yet incomparable glow

as inviting and reassuring as a flirtatious wink

when you grasped my hand and pulled me inside,

knowing our romantic growth’s a pipedream stifled;

once effortlessly conjured, I’ve forgotten your face

a dreamscape terminated among clouds with a whimper.



Midwestern Strip


Pick-up trucks line city streets

like zebra striped parking lot aisles


polished chrome bumpers

refract antediluvian light rays


dirt-covered windows absorb

silvery beams down main streets


where saloons outnumber markets, schools,

theatres, restaurants, and medical centers;


taverns attract residents like watering holes…

there they’d congregate to drink, dance, and argue


blaming climate change on mother nature, poverty

on laziness, mass shootings on unarmed liberals.




Kaijū Redux


Remembering Elji Tsuburaya and Ishirō Honda


Heatwave & harvests, August’s end

weary straining leaves, neglecting chlorine

maintenance, bacteria bred in a plastic vessel


we once scrubbed to eliminate slimy walls


yet allowed toes to dig into a peatmoss padded

visqueen bottom rather than slip on a scummy bottom

above its softened footing. (Thanks Uncle Conrad);


we emptied our round swim center down the driveway

left a half inch stagnating in the pool expecting swift

evaporation during sizzling sunny days & muggy Leo nights;


Debbie noticed movement beneath the moisture first;


as mosquito larvae wiggled & squirmed below

we scooped fetid water in dixie cups that cradled

maggot-like creatures for captive study;


examining malaria carrier progeny under my microscope,

we recognized how yōkai and nature’s grotesques inspired

Japanese sci-fi sensei as they created irradiated monsters: 


Godzilla to Rodan, King Ghidorah to Gigan,


Hedorah to Megalon, their eyes evil, jaws spiked;

twisted frames and geometric writhing brought

backyard Kaiju to life—a feat we proudly cultivated.




Panoramic Platform


New York City’s MTA thrives

cold rolled iron tracks

wake as the





crimson light

amber hues fill skies

as Dawn’s rays glance off glass towers




Sterling Warner’s Brief Biography

An award-winning author, poet, and former Evergreen Valley College English Professor, Sterling Warner’s works have appeared many literary magazines, journals, and anthologies including Lothlórien Poetry Journal, Ekphrastic Review, and Sparks of Calliope. Warner’s collections of poetry/fiction include Rags and Feathers, Without Wheels, ShadowCat, Edges, Memento Mori: A Chapbook Redux, Serpent’s Tooth, Flytraps, Cracks of Light: Pandemic Poetry & Fiction 2019-2022, Halcyon Days: Collected Fibonacci, Abraxas: Poems (2024), and Masques: Flash Fiction & Short Stories. Presently, Warner writes, hosts/participates in “virtual” poetry readings, turns wood, and enjoys retirement in Washington. 

