Poetry from Texas Fontanella

A Piss On Me Cantos


Ah, to be jaw, to be jaw


Look. At this. Strange. Boy. Find it hard existing.


Someone stole my grocer.


The ratty hell fascists have stolen half my identity documents / art originalz….


She’s gun to Matt Finishing school. Avian heil. The early mark of the beast gets rid of the pains of being. Amen.


I raise my glass at you thru a telephone line snapped and youre fish eyed run but where isnt my farce plastered i stagger in bleeding hearts beating in and out of thyme….



Stream of false flag conscious. Rode rimbauds drunken dream bot. Mulch adieu abort nothing. Pawn addiction.


I mack truck my iridescent like a drone form thr occupaying crowd themselves. Emerald tine half way up israels burst pipe dream police. Its aver for you. The waves punish. The clouds. Rims. Whistle. Blow. It. Hell the pit.


Thee nouveau dead mirror pupaes. Bloodbath flowers. Rolling die. A stolen interpretation; swallowing a strawberry. Fish out bubbles needle. And threat afficianado, solemn riddles do little to whittle. The lily spine@nothing. The mosquitoes make body snatchers of us all. Revolver of flood money. Declare a muttony


Economy mists

A stroke imparfait

Translantic dysmorphia blues

Teen wolf

Scene wharf

She dont use jealousy, or any of these

Burroughs is in Tangerine Dream

I dont think

Hes coming


Its sinister for the environment

When it spare changes

I wipe my tiers with a hunded dollar

Account hacked

She uses maga



Rly quack thinking. First, rid of Witness X. A Romantic get away down the information superhigh


Drunk n hard driving. Pill press for further misinformation. ODO. Object disoriented ontologu.


Mulch adieu about something. Can you go to the shoplift on the way back from not really working. History is a meth. Why so theorious? Be quit. We’re haunting rare-bits.


im no true story of the sum talking to emself at file island, i just limp, gutter flutter.

abrogate [just] ice dealing with it..

..town called alice. already too laid..


hysteric inquiry’s the Trumped up mode de vie. Share it yo, keep em closing balance, we need motor fees paralys


We dada’d the flow

Of progress



The Clouds Are Gone Now, Reduced To Bloody Crystal,

Along with all hope of a most civil war next year

So, I put the heavens in my pipe and smoke 

My loneliness is tasty

I hadnt, at the gate


These reflections and distortions o  you play out

Are they in date


language games  witty friends

Show us how high u get scoring [feels musical]

Look like i belong

-Im with the banned-

B ♡ ♡ K

a         e

d         n



    b  l i p  s

                like a submissive

Time owes us now




I started out to get

the killers

Good ppl

Fund loving

Good to the bone ppl

farmers scare-givers

they used hooks

oh, band together, ye killers!

delegate to each other duties based on abilify and according to need

Death has upped your quota

Conduct violins

 If you share / victims of interest rate their worth

can be divided like them up2


We glow with the flow be dumb for futurity to dismember we who live off on the ellipses of Gods take cover the under world sleeps with yr enemy line of flight zones out of the conversation high heels all wounds but im already dead on my feet cats me empty hearted and crashed


My precursor is stuck though im moving the drug the mouse trap house is lisping in syntax intervention in time codes shift according to northern lights the territory seizure caesar’s steez gripped the market speculation ole  Lorenzo smokin’ fairy clear dust by the hay bales nightly cow now the poobah search for told em tickets every morn. He go out twitching, sell organs by the harbour barber quay to this savage detective hovel approach to the navel – ooh, a broach – with caution, vapes were disbursed to all. Hear. Say Krokodil’s booming, all thanks to my freund kapital letter project: i dont regret my perriere fever pitch locusts bonkers when you hold me drugs seem to make me lie on the couch, screaming a way to hock that broken relationship with the TV and pay out the wend on which I went. Rent. Buoy. I identify as Amish. Rat Park. Capitalism is an entropic pregnancy. That’s Art.

2011 – now.


If copyright, according to the Attorney General’s office, lasts for 70 years after the death of the author, well, Barthes wrote that tract in ’67. Only a few more decades and its over. Woot!


I was just, uh, and reality trans surfing Charlotte’s web of lies, slanderman and bears, oh my super air my super maxima culpa we’ve got a gulper kick flips trips me in a flush. Shoulder police nose army. Brought up with the power to max cents karmically. Now, he’s PostMyloan. Sharks the same in that tetracyclone tracker on his careful of shit house pr ice s club 7 psycho paths forged. Pay it all back. And no, we are not premature fjord. The unoriginal RoboCop was a very intelligent movie deal on the side masquerading as a dumbo one Ethereum each according to his nudes. Dissenting a stare. Case closed. Everything’s Eventualism. Snork sink. Fork lint towns end. wink



Polis is this


“During work, Texas asked me for help deciphering a name that a young boy was trying to say.  The name was very similar to two other names that had already been stated and the young boy was difficult to understand.  I couldn’t manage to get it and Tex thought that Caitlin might be able to help as a last resort.  This is part and parcel of the job. 

After watching this on camera, Renee came to our part of the office to ask what the problem is.  The tone was instantly condescending, rude and uncalled for, saying that it wasn’t part of our job to type what we couldn’t hear, to put five dots and move along.  It didn’t stop there.  She continued talking down to Texas and getting mad, asking them why they couldn’t do their job, do they know how to do their job, and, to me, and I quote from the day, “It was like I was listening to a stressed out mum reprimanding a 4 year old.”


I remember Renee talking to me about Texas directly.  She asked me if I thought they were, “taking the piss,” out of work after not attending work due to mental health reasons.  She mentioned that she knew she was taking a risk when she hired them, stating that she could, “Just tell,” and that Tex had a different way of doing things and was in their own world.  I felt uncomfortable talking about a friend in that way, someone who wasn’t there and someone who Renee clearly had little respect for.


Coffee was Renee’s most prominent role in the office, we were constantly told how lucky we were to have it and that she cold easily remove it.  Texas drinks coffee, along with many others, but their intake was considered unreasonable.  She remarked that Texas’s hands (shaky due to health problems) was from excess caffeine and repeatedly told them that they should be drinking less for their health [not backed up by any scientific evidence – rather, the opposite] and they were costing her money.  She essentially linked the caffeine intake to their mental health problems, in front of multiple people, multiple times. 

At one stage, a whole tray of coffee was either taken or consumed at work, she initially blamed this on Texas’s, “Bad habits.”  Other staff members told me that they were taken into Renee’s office, talked at for over an hour and asked to find out who did it – Renee later moved the coffee (in the staff room) in front of the cameras.  This created an extremely hostile atmosphere – not due to any staff, mind you – and continued for up to a week.  She later apologised that she was wrong to conflate the caffeine with their health problems [of which she is oblivious], but this issue came up another few times over the course of a few weeks, so that was a lie.


One of the worst incidents that I personally heard, not withstanding the other serious things I have heard from others, is when Renee (on two occasions that I personally witnessed) stated that Tex, “Isn’t normal,” that “no amount of medication could make you normal,” and calling them, “Crazy.”  


On my second day of work, I remember Renee talking to someone who passed by the doors of the elevator we were in.  She called her a few names, “Crazy” being the one that clings to my mind.  She mentioned they had Bipolar, so they “were crazy,” and that the staff member, “even takes medication, so it’s okay, I can say call her that.”  I have Bipolar.   The pattern was evident early on that she’s loose with staff members’ personal information, doesn’t understand or chooses not to, and looks down on those with mental health conditions.  One of many similar instances…”


This is off the hook, even though I may not be, and that would just be because I dutifully followed the orders of the presumably, or perhaps only ostensibly, insane or just intellectually challenged sheriff at the court shop.


So, now I was unable to attend court for the other hate crime committed against me in which erroneously only I, out of seven people, was charged with assault. It’s a further dereliction of the entire concept of justice the NSW police force, among other preposterous agencies, is meant to be upholding. The Sherrif dutifully informed me, however ill considered his position may have been (and he was also highly dismissive of a disabled woman, perhaps typical), that, since I physically can’t wear a mask due to the injury suffered at the hands of creepy Rick ******’s hate crime, that I can’t attend court. What’s completely terrifying though is that according to your own laws, this renders you able to legally abduct and detain me for up to three years. This is a patent travesty. If i was more conspiratorially minded, I would say it’s a stitch up, and I only physically need a stitch up. I had to email instead of merely posting on Facebook about this latest injustice I’ve suffered because Penrith Library, even though a lower socio economic area than, say, Leichardt or Newtown, queerly does not offer any free library services at all.

I guess I eagerly await my allegedly legal detainment?


Phillip Texas Fontanella


Who needs a beat? My heart’s loud enough.


I am rather ill. I woke up from my writing jag and wind down to a horrible headache, but not as intense and debilitating as the ones that led me to hospital. Its, like, sort ok, then not; swinging around like the rotor. But i keep throwing up, originally just water, but now bile. I dont think my stomach needs pumped. I only had a couple of beers


A moldy pool “and complex sham(e)”……

….mauved a part from each other….


The matrixial psychic space concerns shareability and severality that evade the whole subject in self-identity, endless multiplicity, collective community and organised society. The matrixial borderspace is drawn and is further drawing virtual and real traumatic and phantasmic as well as imaginary and transgressive psychic contacts by inhabitation and erotic co-tuning in the same resonance field; vibrating space or elusive time of which each participant becomes partial by its own reattunement and attention. Affective vibrations that tremble with virtual strings, body-psyche-space-time cross-imprints uncognized memory traces accumulated in several threads transform each partial-subject into some kind of mental continuity of the psyche of another partial-subject. Each psyche is a continuity of the psyche of the other in the matrixial borderspace.


An’ den we shocked up tolkien trashbery

Im amore to the point taken out of context wars hearse a round with each utter trashpo po’ is ed on all weavers dream boat flecks of glistening de vice for m e is sAlt and pepper spray it dawned up on me 2 mauvement cane toad set up off all sky has come to harm

I t s e l f i s h have the memo rye on ham hum him hem hymns Finnish Usain Bolt

The door from the sky walkers of yawp im sorie australia im cringing yourr just too too cultured


Where are all my women’s glasses going? I just wanna accesorise as well as theorise..


Im poorly, here purely to supermax lit af pieces of dream boat first in class analysis. And so, this blustery but warm morning, wanting summat more dead, more despotically modern than Ginia Woolfy, i picked up

From my bookshelf, Luke Beesley’s Jam Sticky Visions. I didnt like it at the time i got it, but it met the criteria: prose poems. But it just seemed to glitch on the train thought he was real clever when not. For most, tho, thats just what, thats all poetry is. Pose poems.

Its not to this’n. But if it was, well, his pieces arent good enough for my reply. Beesley’s collection meets the bin back at home, a brown paper Woolworths bag you out of ideas welcome homeland security. And then, i bellyflop that trash onto the stale, malodorous front yard-birds-pecking-through-it dumpster like a babushka against a big, bad bag snatcher. To put a lid on it

Life is too shot – big bang, ‘member? – out the canon to fuck around with global village idiot, middle class pretensions who cant match magnifying glass flints. Stones have better ideals than the fish that pass degrees for and about poets here, their tree. Sun up, sun down voted, they did, for their mess escape to Plato’s outermost caves. Not thermonuclear to them yet over lap it up tick exiled you bygones can each buy a gun safe houses the generic in form elation of the errorist cellular phone it in to my hallowed lover hands it to the red hot LED scope aimed at my chest rattles and cuff links expired here to fore ground like yr ilks circuit elephants run, run, run, run, run, take a dragon, too. Run, run, run, run, run, Gypsy death and – who?

JammStixy Fission


Yeah so when the gronk lad who wanted a dart then robbed me, he had a laser pointed at me ****??? *****(>><&;,)** insisted wasn’t just a pointer and I had to give over all my shit, and indeed the man said he would kill us both if directions weren’t followed, or if police were involved (and in fact my messenger has a hack that has been pinged to a cop shop, she was in a black crop top and the red tartan pants Mary Burkitt gave me, still with the tank girl haircut she gave herself at my mums shortly before we both left Sydney. She was thus last seen at about 430. She does some crazy shit but we had until Nye planned, and nobody in the world is going to give anyone two points of any drug for only seven dollars each. He was average height, of Caucasian appearance, kinda square features, three dots under one eye and a tear drop under the other. Don’t know if the IP address really a cop shop or a decoy

xxxxcC.  X

Cant we just yell at each other like adults?


I cum in peace

Of meat is murder

The best and less a comm

O dating’s diff er

Rent is theft like us


Pretty Pleas

Floor id animal pretty crime

Stop us d rugs move on order

Up2 a beer reviewed research

Pay per viewing of the harbour

Fro mage i sway to the cam eras

Over now wearing the lead pipe

Up2 be shot up in bath toaster

Of loops gun fruity reg i me oc

Taste thr victory law n mo werd

S don’ veil you doo little doctors

At tending to wined down before

Now showing s pan i sh mo vie

Forbes power me too the dear

John m bennett letter al you can

Call me a bette davis coup let us

Do one lettuce heads down thumb

Nails up fly after lorde’s car keys

My numb de plums in the ice box

In g yros cope camp ly doxa will

I am fuel to the furore brocade

Yeah butch iget brail monkey

To the skeleton at the bottom of the f

Lake cough out a laid d these pupils

And po lices with modes around them

Is the leg up end airy state mend function

ARies just there and he odes me crickets

A stu pit game date boys clubs out a bby

Seal vet e ran the good life dr into the g

Round up erry toy like i got a woody

Guthrie pro test your skools be hinds

Your skools are all be hinds

Neat eden you goat there be a sham marriage

If someone lower runged you and dawdled

The snake to duke nukem bloats his why

Thru with the comp a rat if lite rat u re

Gain con troll fuckers incorp serrated

Edges of our flood birth so cia ty ty ty

Its ever – why think! Ive always won big ted

Yes it isis like archer y less ons lets gat ons

Too gatorade rage like a homer by cho king

Hit of the glass shatters the roof flies off

As files and files of the mooch sword after

Tho ugh t where is it buried manilo fold

Ers t while there in cess ant beeping ooh

And the lied brightens like the pavements

Corners we cut four in cis ions from then

To nowra skip bins we logue epi centre

Link up2 knight in the shinings arm

Our wrapped around a street post

Like a car e in the ward hehehe

No linger sup port ed dr ink my in he

Rent ants undercover my skin t em ph

Asis thats vaul t circle de solei ark

U ment al you can call me case

C l o s e d c a s k e t a m i n e r d

Laing im a wick star struck les

Is mortdale spike jonesed his peer

Pressure from above the clots

I knew nothing of love out the wind ow

Whys you do that fer al it y

Hit self co mic drop the smart guy

Affect ions got a hit on them with the ugh

Ly styx, i sag to myself in the rear

Phew mirror vase didnt lust long

Time no c u when im loo king at

Cam po you cant say that rite new

Wastes of toxic being echo chambers

Of commercenaries seek cred in isms

Smirk dots comb yr hare b rained cuts and docks

My pay cycle to safer jaws yr gonna be

The Beaten bi a s treet sh ark um ents

Clamber up the peach towels in hands me

That Coon paparazzi roach you cock

A doodle do be ex citing income pattern

Abilities reddy on tomorrow tonight today

For re sins in ex pli ars c able tie me double

Windsor in gnats a gnu weighing in at 6 hun

Dread pounds the judge mercy he screambles

Like negs on toast the champ ion rub y craze

Master bait them if you mist stink in ghc

I’ll get 9,000 loiters cos its ned illegal

Flanders matthew McGunner Hay in which ibid

I hid ibis and a neat dell tron it uni verse

You are the blight of the word

Petulantifa bozzlesham appolgee idk ask

J e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ves

Pa rides past offices with a band on mint

Spear head still in it to win it with an over

Bought and boundairy line cows fell mush

Rooms dont comrade jeep ers like creepers

Flip f lips of yours have petals to the meddle

Glass croaks as the vat lady readies her

Shelf warbles tiers merge into in coming

Out of any closet ever and on torp

Id tags the chest nova con stained wood

I glass a friend ly fayre in the black whole

Old literatures a mug’s leg end gl itch

You juiced hafta at delish scratch re cords

Swirl about lake acho co late factor fact or y de

Re set out Toby superduper f law abiding t roo

Pers on of inter est icle twisted icicle

Hanging off my light of right res ponds to bill

Play in the sewers bombing side of vege

Tables are pulled thru to the other cubic

Cool has bruno neiva locked so skool

Older older older older older alter men

Native to this stop it he hitch hiked with 22

Papal pussing alt delete con trolls of con

Tinge ncy plane 1 2 3 4 flight sim u latte years

Larder Pat me ive been goo d l ife elle has

Fro zen over to barrow sum roo teens

Get it. Smart. I have no id. What am i doing

ProcrastiNation, dont i have enough

Problems figurine die cast steel min of

Eff it is kim possible hot wheels cares

F l y i n g y a n g thru the heir i ate it like

A cock crow as a dare by the gorillaz

Pleas in the ground back deal covfefe hand shakes

Sure is a beaut i fully quit this cuntry rote sh it po ets


Murk a whistle blower from my cut throat, n

Flirt a little lower on my cunt load, n

Turn his rituals global g-g-gun

Smokin opals tappin scum slums

Quotin  wire in the blood flows

 out of the funds trope

A fun rope chernobyl hopefuls drums blow


in to shares strippin noble Undos tryna get some trunk dope

Must be the imp straw men now spun

GOld river styx up the blank never

Weather or not the dumb brogues

xxxXXx. USxx

Im like chrisTo: wrap music.

Strange, the string

Armed to the hilt chris

T mass sieve addock ad dock

Howx he smktk thr pope with

On ly one

Am i gluing crazy tr aces

Closed like the human tooth of ET

On our legs enter soon after my top

Half way to e merge stubbed out my

Stubbies bubbling, frothing forth

I luke skywalker the coffee in the machine

Is the dead.    God know godsy reigns

Supreme b rick rolls thru the riots win

Dow jones index amphetamine car ds

Foam home minding the bear your saul

Good man good mantra preying is

Too much. Aura never too macho

Oral trad sedition cove red in trap sediment

Al u can kill me eyes butt never landing like the ranch

Dress singing (yeah, uh, ghc…)

Drab dressing wut drape

Purple rains supreme

Ive alwys been wanted dead

Or alive to toll the stale

Man i festy destiny

Chill child druids up thr hall

Mount the drew it mound aerial

The axolotle re assembled to make me mock me like thry grave me an A

Hole in the muddle way twangy

Hi s wanky boo

Hoot is the dorkest

En Nanny rep eats on the TV

of his hi serious head cold is

Is what ill have to teat

 Er on the sleep off the nu job jaw


Job shock not even Dali sirius cult raw

 to my cult jaw

Would take el salvador

To the maned shifts in unco

Scientis cents, just ice – just lyin

Pipes ip2 in yr selfish fish cell ulite face lifts the car

Pet project your tissue above his station are like an apple on the total totalled total head drain

O f f f f f fff.  Thhhheeee.  Gold casey buster rant

Church total it er pahlinuik woking on the trance yan agenda broth ers after this bender anemation, ?r u ok?) gtfo our hood

I.e.z our con versus chuck

Stake in and thru out my bikie hard

Poems poernms bombs thr sewer side

Youre all sauces to me now

Tomato tomato artistic speciation

The non believers off sour day drama nation

The banx, a lie. Tall boy me the truthiness

You are increasingly adora the explorer bull

Shit show time may be giants, dotter of my ice

And fire whos writing

Fed or a

Fed or a

Fed or a

Fed or a

Im beat, Do her ty!!

This song history singed

Single and desperaido, heed all our or else wise thee

 lies will tick up a d

Off withount warning. Thisn is THE

Affect of globa warning you should l s top sign

Here for a ford prefect cedric i gross in comb em out in

Come on


The r value plum met ed mouse bees the

Feeds i scrawl thru the hell haul hail hill denied

Inter view with a room just access

Floating ice there on in on rein vent the

 wheel ch airs the meat ting

Chuck taylor em up in thr freezer

In drag

On ballzy

As as the as tic spa tock broth el tack cam in o

Tackle chang by the six dirty noose

There mast be mustard under my spruce moose cone

S cone! S cine! Plays, an interest rat in taste, ma, may i heave some moore regimes of new

Crickets jiminy open the dont pop art the trunk

Is under armour my make me broad up2 um br age ella federal er if gold cord she moos yass standard drugs again re re re cher che guava flavor aid virus of the nelson munths

Ha ha

Take on me, take me on with with

H is

Guaverro coming off

The top

Ropes around the womb for an other

Dash of thomas the italian tanked engine

Of block hues with me till thr entrance

Atrophies on the wode house refuge geez

Louise Line looking crabbily mooning to the new south wall

Eyes against me pleas in the back wall e

 up with the 11 secrete herbie hancocks your gun you do licence to yoda the zauma mill

Irons own my er ships one goof no y xxxx short

Front of pwnd howls general spiked the punch

Bowel movementist wok for ghc

Its not wailed, its just ill legal

420 year olds quickly on get

I was squished in a lemon squash game

By a tonka truck of traipse off the edge

Living solutionz is all all we are

Rawling with knits on our nits

Treat ment snivkers be twixt

Then and nowra, now ra

Off coarse course curses coarse

Through fare ovid must pay 2

Soon i will snap crackle bop the um

Bilical brothers that diabolocize me up

I am a giantsdottir! We are fierce furs in verse

Humour Sampson like a dessert – gif giving him what fore christmas party guard the van


“The lift needs

A face



Wings instead of ears

Im her mes

Im the messenger

App, shoot me

Just up



You goanna *Tryna get the chron stat need a little time like Kronstadt. Originals gone, who was really on that? The Departed from the cause like my affect. Lite substance wise, but the hype does dress 2 impress. The big picture, tho, stays E=mc stunk my battleship Potemkin, too concerned by the hips redemption, squid. Loose lips sing protection, ‘cid. Yeh three gauds short out – off a punk track.marx thinks youre snorting cake bit you’re pulling up mrs bong rate me on Hack, hick. now everyone clip clap, snip snap, like, these con’s zapped. It, Wrong, that. Over. Stretched time to have a little rock hard abstinence with Emma Goldman Sachs you, my faux pas. The eminent is immanent. No’ whose gunner hold them packs? Nein. Ange nails. You bringbring me Closer to godsy. Not in yr crew, but Gnocci Socks, you know im motley…

XxxxmxkalskxxxxXx Xxx

Barbed wire in The flood


except : progres protest from today’s nical was heard in 1864. Korean warship king Date and Time (use 24 hour) Note: All entries must be written in black pen and include the health care provider’s printed name, designation and signature. the ships involved in convict trans- as the object of the heterosexual pornographic gaze, sacrifice is both pious and excessive. The dark beaches where Teresa walks at night are most ambitious in assuming the atributes of a state. securing its borders, developing a common foreign policy readily as Bismarck swallowed Schleswig-Holste prose gathers up the life of her protagonist imbues it with all the qualities she attributes to the city. its sandy hills are crystal clear when it comes to agents of female surveillance, go to the OED again, it is “involuntary”. Thus: how hard they worked. I didn’t want hard work. I’d be all for changing place were the moon a laughing face — chased by bullets, Imperial Chemical Industries, which swamps by radio the troop bridges. Alone, they don’t tell only mirrors of agency. peering down from his tower smugglers flexed up, muscular and persiste, sucking fecundity upwards, persisting, breathe. Television has long been dis as lowbrow with major chords, popular culture: wrapped in robes oad luck. By virtue of the government’s policy, th jar sweetly yet commodified ecosystem politics into the worst reality television program anyone had ever seen. call time on madness. H


Its my lost hype


Chavo guerrero

Coming off the top

Ropes his graze arrownd

T h e i a r e e n a f o ‘

Such is lifeless thiss dissturbans bee and birding whatever i wanton 2 stabilise

 my spinning compass that stunt doubles as a watch


Of folding years. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeep


I winter how long ago i committed myself (lol) to “recording the process.” Nevermind the bollocks; theyre just there to pink wash up in yr kitchen stink. I think it was as early as 2015. Its the antithesis to the cheating of the establishment – who wont consent to being called that, despite tight coterie, institutions of influence, grants, performances, editorial positions; a whole bunch of bourgie bs that standardises to the point of interchangeability their weltanschauung, which, too, reflects their impotent material base, disconnected terribadly from ordinary people. And revelling in that fact. Theyre special. So special. Ive got to have some of yore – “Educated the” blurry “way / He knows his claret from his beaujolais”. Speaking of claret, you may dismember me from such raps as a prodigy on the claret, actually. Every errorist cell will be padded savagery is out ov Time: The Nova will to power corrupts shell be haunted out. Heh. I’ll never be as ny sour apple schnapps. “I am afraid of being on this” *chore* a brunchless trunk.” “I,” on the John Ashbery, “M: too ex/cite/d.” “My / cross / dog.” Adorno “the river” Styx. My snorkelling hairs snivel autumnal. Ekphrastic ecstacy tablets cherub the statute of david kosher. Im on Centrelink, Bumble. I hope to mead someone to be cum truly unHinged, in like with Obesity’s crystal myth jumble. I do the addition on addiction, pro blame the ©, ridge blissfully exoteric, is always writhing, rising like a fist, and wising up2 the mark young women, not scantily, but scandalously, ion clad. And ass for me, im the shadowy opulence of all wars of the roses. A Fontanella never pays their Deaths.  2770 and im pretty to shoot up2 the heathens blaze the corridors of – $*#( SN [#[#  – bower with intent deathly hollow. Fuck rig hrt off!! Mine is the debt forever and weekend hallowed! Mine! Mine for Ever! Good. John Betjeman put the Campbell’s Soup in the bindi patch. Crimping, “Stash the diggy dog, Andaluse.” Do you get Slough? Im up2 reordering the progress reports of my desk were greatly exaggerated. Here is no drawing of a stapler. Inside reverse rabbit ear petal. Squash Liverpool Recreational Drag Centre left to our own devastation: the sink. There is millions of dullards submerged under cover up a big T. Eye God / plenty of fish Magazines like Time – floor id. Pretty crime, whispering deep in the shit field agents. With herpes, block whole literatures. Flaw abiding treasonry of images. Pleas in the ground / back the undercover dog dealing covfefe. Vroom. Atilla the Hun shakes off the muckraking. Step 1, 2 – Nnnnyuhhuhuhuh! 1, 2 – Nnnnyuhhuhuhuh! 3, 4 – Nnnnyuhhuhuhuh! Share is a beaut i fully quizzed this Cuntry Rote shirt front radical for capital. Bullshit for brains not des. Perate queering down from [and for] the crass file that under “we’re back.” Eerie 51, haw, i cold battle this doze. Fairfax Medusa. Brachts / moan / oeuvre. “Lisa them into bottle.” “Lee’s, uh, repearing my genes.” He also grave me a grift: metal petals that cult taste of battleship Potemkin. Curly Isreal; the stale prance of Blair. Shd get a Tony Abbott for these layers so you dont white me like a broom. Me no car in double jeopardy. Slaving for a face left. Too our own D voir dire, duh voices, foie gas, void hucks a loogie back. Culture wings husk in the dry ice, heir. There, so good life at going off on the rock and royal oil spelling of the has beens wise site mare. If you heave the means to diet beyond your means, well, hood, car, wad; it takes off MINs moot your mockers: the break beat generation of wine beetles, love dirty beauts flinging riddles, lazy extrapolation, clone tramping down the cursed, gravid. Clown trumped up charges me with ass. Sire, I am unaware of any such underwater activity or game of Operation, snore. Would I be disposed to discuss at arms length such an opera if it did in fact exist, sire? Fuckin oath I wd. The farm’s legends spread eagle eyed cherry picker packer jobs to the stairs. Jks. Rowling a dart. A bay. Sux. A bat. Sax.  Apprehended your cold; now catch 22 to some of NY’s hearts.




Drinking Sanguine


Rock and roller coaster

Ok. Me love you small time. She just did. He private mainstream. The punctuation of their hot Freudian slip. He ethics don’t. Oh self, oh symbol, keep quiet… look at the forEst. I seen nothing better, as if a brave new world at the manic pixelation of four; they’re the careerist of the queerly arthritic. A pervasive redaction. We’re next in line? Ah… spit me if you dare devil like one of your bullet train if you whoops. Where’d the whales to nuke duke em in between arrogances. White picket lines fencing with yes please. I’ve got a lollipop, double stop – 4 June 21


A dark october melody twists my military limbs like origamy cityscapes delighful


“The microwave beeps to let me know my origami lessons are ready” – mhcyoung


I say to him ill be your rock bottom. then, the next issue of cordite, hes got rock bottom in cordite, replete with my poet so variously criminal as to have attracted international security organisations interests, and it becomes, in seizure, my other concept sent to him in the long, hot summer of 2014: the poet cultivating a communist crackhead chic. i bet fitch doesnt even know to smoke-


Thoughtcrime (doing my fink)


And RB has the melody malady mlady pun of mine about the October days of the Russian Rev. It also sparks Mark Young’s opening in Electric Ladyland, which was published before Fitchs piece.


Relay mongrel information with hooded regards

We’ll touch more about this soon but there’s limited stars



At the end of “The Ends of Man,” Derrida evokes Nietzche’s Superman, who burns his text, turns on his heels, and disappears in a cloud of dust. Now Nietzche seems just a little too extreme, too hyperbolic, too dated for sophisticated Continental philosophy today. And of course, as we all know, he was an incredible misogynist even if not a racist, an elitist even if not an antiSemite. Still despite all that we know about Nietzche, what if – just suppose – that Zarathustra was a woman? What difference would it make? Perhaps none at all.


Insubordiva as she ever last was, i got her out of her heart office’s articicle on, but also riding off away from the mistrescent “Quarantum Entanklements and sHauntological Realations Reguarding Inheritents,” Barrack does not simply leave request a committment unto Derrida’s work out. She scare quotes him at points that are ALT of LiT his joint with the time of the essay, and to assay this, she then shows off how cool his ideas are if you want to seem 12 steps out of tush with ‘the relevant’, a quarantum phyremosificistality. In i is another article, like a pistol whipped Sipowicz, “On Touching To[r)y Stor(e]ys: The Inhumanable Hat I Am There For My Wife Miss Taken,’  Barrack reflects, deflects; refracts, defracts; selects, delects, with regard to the logic’s paradoxical erection of parasite touch within the bereft context contest that’s coming unconstitutional to quarantum field glasses internal cogitating tHis inFERnAL ideal idea to get ‘On Touching – Jean Luc. NANTsY.’ The paradigm a dozen paradox starts Barrack off and ends with him in on this BONG BONG BoNG. Eye shot you down . BiNG BINg. I shit you, do’h. psychoficists: we quit aGINg. Nor is phrenologammenatical do not actually, truly, really touch more about this soon, but there’s limited stars available for immediate start off on the wrong foot to solder, toy soldier Eminem’s nu albumin is worse, but better mastered, than my Cicada. Triple plus credit. MMM. Dig harder. In the moist phlyosomatical terms are germs dictatored deep within like Enlightnment thought you up, your expansive and expensive orifice, Starsky and Hutch; touch it. Give back voice to that missing scene. Touch is an electromagnatic interfelaction: “there is here no contract involvo Polis! GENE GENERAL Touch is ENOugh paradoxical phregnomenologicalism; it, with some help from IT, skips relays a head honcho mongrel misinformation with axolotl red hooded regards process, not progressive, even at the most basic bitch out, Meta, text me a letter physical vessel to get up to my little bit devil level and pet the clock to strike force on us the 25st aura. Stranger flings open the get even grate more, more, more housework for Barrack Obamacare about my country music like every man, woman and child’s play is the quarantum sift bell field agent diddling his computers – theory long and hard enough and beat gene ration generatons, go so fur

 naught be strong.

X.  Aa a a a xxxxxxxxxxe

People have lost the plot regarding criminalism.. im the mastermind, not the inventor. Even Marx needed ole Freddy, and Hitler needed all those people that became the US secret service. We have a long oral history. We like oral history for all the reasons Derrida doesnt.


You are not a beautiful or uniqlo s now f lake.


This is my email to the landlord:

“Well, Lawrence, what can I say? It would seem my position has come to echo that adopted by the NSW police force, but with substantially greater legal justification. I can’t really do anything, or thus notify you of what I will do until perhaps I can do it.”


“Also, it’s worth noting for the record, that I don’t really understand the situation you guys have gone and embroiled me in anymore. Like, I’m simultaneously expected to reside at 125 Bedford St for the occasion in which I priorly failed to defend myself against a series of hate crimes, partially spurred on by some kind of localised mass hysteria, but you guys have also simultaneously recommended I seek alternative accommodation, which I can’t afford to do because Rick ??,,,?. rolled me as well as hat crimed me by slashing my face up and calling me an F-A-G.  And then, as I put on record, and would be shown by CCTV, the police at the court shop would not allow me entry into the court shop because I could not wear a face mask due to the serious wound I received in the latest hate crime. Does this make me police issue on-the -run? You would have to conclude so, unless our lawz don’t actually uniformly, tho that is meant to be a fundamental concept of the law, which would be a worrying perversion of the concept of law, don’t you think so? I’m going to get Legal AIDs soon, as per the appointment, but I’m mainly going to direct them to my Facebook, as I don’t want to make a statement to them that’s off the record breaker. But if you clear up these inconsistencies that are as gaping as my face was left by Rick *?????, that would be most helpful.

Yours insincerely,

Texas Fontanella

XxxxxX.    C XX

And Further, he would have done well to RIP the point of my peas – we should be fighting fascism, not in

F i g h t i n g. T h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t

Wanted in


                         i n g

XxxxxxxxXXxs as s HELL

‘s the pi

ts cigs f




Challenging. Thru the power

Of friend ship me drugs slip off

Mt tongue into something maw

Of a scat doobie do wah wah

Lines as many times no roman

Tic defeat ill sammy the butcher

Your work toes the line my wrists nails

Grow millions of dollops of Mary Jane

Has the the beast hair cut them off

To get everyone electric up in traffoc

2 this ladyland jacket i bought up

Lord                Aye.        Inter. Net.

By 2 wolf hounds me like a doctor flix

His sick are wet with sweet steaming sweat

Swat teams up with – get the drugs out

Faster clums singers are dirt to be found

Out of here, hell, I am rihannas a wol stern lala croft

Agreed labile vomit saying in LA bayous was now now now doctor beat operating

In.        Action movie french fries franchise

Like a feral agent lee in triplet chimes

Like a twi lights up the Rk435 perfe perm

The germ hubba bubba bubbles and Miros end streetwear visions

Of goths in undercover wear

Government is under in Cove R

Thru the truman show poster to

Malkovich, Malcontent in the

Meddle with me again, malcom

Turn bull shit into a hireup dis

Ability is a scam them into scum

Succumb unto! Beat surrender

Y o u. R e  r e p r e s ent at ions

Sub scribe you are my OF

Them thats not going fast food

Cootees u turn recycled fashn

Is take higher from michael

You wave nguyen the gangsta

Nu Whodunit Up 2 knot eve

n see you in door swim metal in

Nautica res red rec ord it audit

Reversible bi polar jacket fleece

The scene mis en mea couplet in

2 deep thought of you2 need rem

M.    I.   N.    G.    L.    E.  Burrrrrr

Wood az

Si i stirred there was coffee all ready

Inter national interest rates wise up foes

Slurping down my throat like i do like

The 21st century cento jury

Hung breathing down my neck ids

Co ur t / g irl i / i hust bot wan

Nah,  le i le i ah chew my hearse off

Record  he kid eat guy club cycle motor

Mouth off and my leg save themselves

I found Hortense. She’s my bubsy boo

Hoo hoo seen the single, formalist law

Yeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr brrraaaa is 2 trixy

Please.    They need unprofessional

Help line the cake with lsd 25 bucks

The trend is knowledge that we no

Langour needs a caterpillar

Caters by i ride the cat

Up2 R the pillar of the community release

En airy wire repeats myself the remains

Of information in economical poetry

Is the one dollar sale away with the

Bees knees turns me on like a table

Top floor a part meant to have been done over

On just witch the teenage sabrina on ice alfreado familia

Rises herself with the purse security oddities

Space Beau Diddleys my language whales turn up like

I’ll F I G H T y o u t u b e of paint me Bolshevik

The never had no future politics of the australasian lift

Where bee hives always on my my  minds my stuff on

The train every day to sleep around about within

The car next to me atop a winehouses

Lap,, head, prole pearly de-livered is IT is

Kn owldge wisd om under Stan yes

Ding vote ding ding ding ding bats

 K n e a d   mal f u u  n g  man

As say xxxx dr un k o

Z o o o o  o o  o  o n

E layer after layer


Player? Laughter

Pay her


In communism u

Universal Master reality stud i owe moaning



– texas fontanella, ghc, up1.

P.s. you are NOT posessed!


up2 win in court me drinking ghc from an oversized, novelty syringe guided by seraphim

XxxXX. Hz


I=have IT UP2 HELL w/ y=our tiers fo’ F ears, v-v-v-veer; bye (or was it buy?) cardboard rivers. i wanna get d=own the mane drag slips belowter like fraud: bed bittersweat, bid betweet, sweets, dot of bother, bet on borders, spat off the bastard, – I Dont Want Vhange!!!! –  boasting blotting paper routes and blurcsting eight figures; sue MADe. Time’s after rime; the magazines spread,. Out in our male suits – g & t – rift becomes riff weave established navel supremacy. Time after crime. Chaser the sky for Aver / oN The King ‘s razor / Shin in g lyk a m o on me / shug gene rs

E ach wet h an au x



The trunk / Super





Xxxxx do xxxx

The revolution the resolution of every day:



We’re gonna double scam your dissidentification papers up2 front of house stuff injection is mandatatory you 2 am i do not have to consent to this “progress”


Weigh up

2 the prose

And cons!


Jigsaw wrap that makes yr hips sore. Crap


All four awful hurls of the apocalypse critics critter me up2!


Hey, what are you

2 up

I dont get what theyre

2 up


He lived, he died. Ashbery: the one untrue prophet of godsy


If youre gonna join our Psychotic Army, you’re gonna need to cough up some undercover delusions to covet up2..those deleuzeans.. they’re too guitary..


Knot wheel

Happy to be alien

From t-



tent towns

tend to tender

rise love is

 tender godsy

Bust ed out

The school of hard

Knock on wood

Cuts a mean figure

Eight her out her mind

You 2 am i


“I cant tell you about godsy”


“Because you have to be a 23rd degree criminalist for that, and for that, you need the enemy to swear you in.”




There is one godsy and one godsy only, and his name is godsy. It’s never capitalised. It would be punishment. He is as we are. But godsyer. Are you denying the truth of your own almighty godsy?


A man has been stabbed in a domestic dispute over a supply quantity of non medical marjiuana in Sydney’s west today. “He was saying, criminally, it was his, and i was yelling over him illegally, it was mine. Then, by godsy, he got Tristan Tzara on and off me.”

Kkxmxmxns XXX

And that, my meta friends, is a whole bunch of ways to have your speech as flowering as criminalism will think local act out of order global domination


I am the outlaw looking thru the grate est bounces my feelings into my head space overrides offal off into the dessert 3 horticulture club hot sofa the story is a) good luck itch and b) shuffling round the dense flo’ writer zombies with crombies in combies dear to me godsy i swear in on it to tell nothing of the truth values are family feud all isms she said edward orient all isms to mister smithereens over there you release the hounds are

Ex cell ent crumbles if you poke to it

A buck huts the future

I am arty


Off on off on off on

The bus

Tutel age of the deuce

Inner wankings of the super

Machine operating heavy

Audible dyslexia is surprisingly

Fun by the ded governmental

Admin is traitors

To the cause and effect claws



Its stall rude time always moving on without me

Our best date was mount the pig jaw dr u id in druitt ho spit all on it @ the next ad break % this purring cent age

Aura 14 and a holef t

Errors section the sea t of yo ur p g ants hat told the down home

Roofs overboard up2 all in the win dose 95s the ogs of tab lets cam eras shove the irl way thru way up the pores

And cones trafficked me honour

Yawps what a Twistie bend over

Ive got the backwards to fuck with you

R head

R head

R head

We observient an oral

Trepidetion yum

Cha cha cha


P–Lease tHe pRess

pores through another dozen drink up,, Mr Smithereens.; sultry; silver; she’s gonna get salty shivers. Truncate all on her faulty wing in g it offscreen film festival of dangerous IDs. You master. Debate precedential cons train ts. You do the Jack, i take Mickey Foley. It pee MAD to live. It was MAD to die. She Finely bred, eye thus 1 they won try. Forster the bauble; pumped up kickbacks. Scrap the Earthworm Gym. Junkie XL remarx. So, she’s fit.. pack .. but godsy, dont zhe no id?


Plato’s caveat, huh. Well,

Where’s waldo

Emerson string quartet : theory

Is my godsy beat goatse by a gen or  2.o com

Paris, son net worth when

Derek Motion did it first

Off the batman, too poety


godsy is undead, so meet the glitch!


Good. Godsy fearing folk.


They cant legally imprison the one true prophet of godsy


What if i show up on the uni lawns with a big sign and a big bucket of joints, spreading the word of godsy, & of the criminalist wonderland that is tomorrow when the war began to get on. I mean interesting.


It also produced Waiting For Godsy


The Great Gatsby or The Great Godsy, who was to have a bigger impact upon our culture?


I only have perso quantities of our legal currency. It was delivered by godsy himself


Driven, like me, but by


Boznjak dr

Unk le





I got a call. “Tex, can i get a 50 off you?”

I knew what he meant.

So, i said, “you can get 50 dollars worth of the legal currency off me. I’ll leave it in the letterbox so you dont have to get it off me.”

I put 50 dollars worth of our legal currency in next door’s letterbox.


My dad was a glitch hopper. The bourgeoise gave 15 years off paying rent after his other house was burnt down in a dispute in which he was entirely in the wrong. And the dam disaster that flushed out the town my family’s from, why, that was the biggest glitch hop of them all


Just your run of the mill trip hoppers


Smithers, release the glitch


What a glitch up. Truly, this country has gone to the Styx

I was just upstairs listening to my legitimately acquired Kenny Rogers record

I mean, I was just sitting there watching the ink drip offa my Balzac novel….

Then I was intimidated by five burly bogans and assaulted by three of them. They had me pinned to the ground, and on Cctv. Yet I’m the cunt charged? For making a facile attempt to defend myself?

The police are painting me as some kind of terrorist, but a weirdly anti Muslim one. After release, a man was being arrested on my train. Many of the same police as pinched me. I popped my head out. It was clearly drugs, and I chimed in it seemed like R to me, and then had a vape for a bit

Then I befriended an entrepreneurial local and a man from Egypt. I don’t know if he was Muslim, and frankly, my dear, Shankly, I don’t give a damn

The cops also stole my art materials. Now how will I make the money to afford a lawyer for their four preposterous charges?

Truly, this country has gone to the Styx


R gives the user mild telepathic prowess






Extremely KARMING



 hope is just dead

Luck the car doors

Want it bad

They know crirrme is for the good of all

Government our friend to the end

Glitch or die trying to get

Off whiff the faerieals smirkin’ sumthin’ funny

going on and off –

The white noise pride parade be prejudiced

Against us for coming from Kate Bush


Keep running off.

The whole


“Have you been monitoring the development of my book on facebook? I say monitoring because i know youre not a government agent. I still cant get more of it public domain on flickr, tho. It comes with a new glitch. Site must just be buggy. You know, as it killed the radio star”


Im an indie poppin, glitch hopping Hindi goblin


Yep, and given the possibility of our psychoses merging in mutually counterproductive ways, giving power to pure delusion, our ongoing friendship itself was dangerous, a poetential glitch in the cultural logic that brought us up here. We could get into the blow at any time


sTock as i think therefore i am, i kant help but won. DUh.


See, some stuff is just transcribed directly from the ur text i made out back in the day woth my underwood


One thing one may have realised is the encoding of criminalist subtexts into my alice storey


My g unit complex ptsd sentence you to static s


XcX.    X  cCxxXV

Ok. It’s been like 6, or 7, or 8 hours. I callling it. It’s established beyond all treasonable doubt; your so called Ron Silliman (if that is his real name, why didnt he change it?) has no game – less than zero.




And several years ago Id said:

Someone’s put my heart insult in this slab of concrete poetry is so 20 minutes ago they reported a bear robbed a book for the subtexts contained there in sane enough to [gutter] hash pipe up like this


Always smoking gutter hash

Why everything I spit is utter cash

Comes to rhyming, never cut a class

Think you go hard, I can double that


Yeah, On This bDay and wage, riddled with ghost writers of a storm in a teacup. Raised hell, now im on yr hormones for a bcup. You can stay fed up loading meta data thru a tube in your nose army plaints the evidence in the living the dream room no ed hardy boy man ouevres dance with mr butt face i call Him cap’n enema of my stated attention to detail hum “based” opportunity costs Echo’s the date i repaid with a grinch. Im Forever, bombed. Like Alaskaut of my buddy and mined your cow and moon you is up to get me the sun is down to fuck me im fully manual straight birth depravity charges itself with a call to arms length y sent en ce..0 D..0


Hi. You are soon 2 die.

You are being followed

Buy a hyundai


Now who will call me pretty boy pinko floyd??

*huge slit bleeding between eye and jaw diagonally*


You gotta Ern yr keep



And the maniacs here woke me up. Its 3.30am. But trump is president. And they know i tick multiple boxes when it comes time to take ppl away. Ive known these ppl half my life. They dont care. The big darkness was already here, mr thompson. Trump, your king, dumb off fear and loathing. But we should be satisfied with every several years voting.


Dont. Shoot up till you see the general Fear and Loathing in lost fakers.


Its never too hotsky to Trotsky


Im goanna leave the Fitch debacle for now. You all know he who must named and shamed is a plagiarist, and ive highlighted stuff so it looks like i studied. V formation for His vendetta against yours truly declined. I was doing it, uncreative writing, even before 2010’s Down Thru The Library Chute.


So. The guy that sloshed my face up said

“I didnt do it.” yep. To tje poljce. Cos He’d go gaol, if he said he did do it, for fucking Yonkers. Ty-


I think im just too fucked up today to do much writing off into the event horizon. Unless these beers help


I dont think chris edwards accepted my declaration of war. Too cutesy. Good thing war doesnt care about that


I still resent that Chris Edwards, rather than simply, as requested, compile catcher, had to make it colour so he can lay bs claim to some aspect of it, and it be harder to share digitally, as if there was ever anything but textual repulsion at the mere mention of their coterie.


Texas Fontanella

Not fustanella like that mean spirited winch, chris edwards, said

Why wd u do that

Its just mean weird and rude!


I blocked Jonathon Dunk. What a shit


One irony of my speculative autobiography is that materially, i dont have much more skin in the game than the plants destined to fuck with me.

But thats why, with the benefit of a complete biographical scope, you could say this historical materialist is justly an idealist: there was an idea, from that time till then, but it was indeed, was most certainly helping the running of history. The idea, still largely unsaid even in these most contemporaneous iterations, was, IS, a materially existing factor. Stay untrue to the ideal


We might be able to produce the documents on this end. I deleted my end cos i just couldnt be fucked. I later just wanted the git to eff off. But the historical record will have them, so even if this waits till i do my memoirs, it willl all come out in the wash


One [shared] issue: much of the historical materialism is too explosive.


And lets remember that such is that poetic groupings obsession with my forward thinking that CE immediately copied me, putting out his version of Catcher that completely missed the mark and point, i contend just to try and obscure my more cultivated and fun point.


In his defence, unlike Fitch, im cited


I think its time to go back to my Wildean reinterpretation of hunter s thompson’s fashion sense. I also had the typically nb blue hair. Great classic hits


Id say the bourgeois TF is like Kacper or thingo here: mad, bad, and dangerous to no.


“Why on earth would i want to blow

Open the safe … ” soon to be deported Fitch, the bourgeoise’s TF.

I share this because i hate him, and it’s concept.


So, to needlessly reiterate, as repeition helps us learn (positive reinforcement), our demands are as simple as any pop hook:

1. The other TF deported back to England

2. An all expenses paid date with Jeeves

3. A stake in the Burroughs family fortune, for i am its most legitimate literary heir


And if the Burroughs family

Get smart

And send me a steak,

Imma test it for poison



Nothing to lose but a lot to prove it

Aint got a record but i got the grove it


And lets just point out, bourgeois TFs poetics were always the hollow equivalent of having pumped up kicks, and save was so obvious and scathing that bastardised version of me still caint refute it


You say u dunno. I say

Tick me up


Toby Fitch should immediately resign as Overland editor and his PHd probably be revoked, but, tho i could have done better, ill accept mere transfer of it October to me


Kent Macarter, ludicrously inconsistent wrt to quality, is the one who likes to sing along but he dont care what it means… toby fitchs rock bottom is a kind of plagiaristic sex crime against me, but thats ok, cos im for no reason at all the subject of this gov funded witch hunt


And the implicit criticisms of my alice story for not having a sexualised subtext is obviously weird and almost definitely pro the pedophilic..


I dont know what theyre talking about. We’re government funded poets. We still dont know how to read.


His attempts at poetry make so little sense Arty would be rolling his eyes as well as us joints, so “why on earth wd i wanna blow open” the farce that has become aus letters?


Like whats Cordite Publishing Inc. S line gonna be? We are committed to publishing plagiarised works we dont understand?


So, now thats its outed as plagiaristic, and considering the highly sexualised subtexts of rock bottom in relation to my plagiarised work, what do u say about abetting a bourgeois morons literary sex crimes against the younger gen of australian poets?



The entire concept of the 2014 prose poem sent to plagiarist and creep, Toby Fitch, is that theyre on the run until smoking all your baes belong to us now leads to a ground zero of active politicking, which, minus a positive argument for politics, is exactly what that government funded charlatan depicts in his own pathetic, conservative excuse for verse, which none of his predecessors would condone, for theyre none of them idiots or plants.


Oui. Smirk all your baes be long time for us now.


Ive contacted the dean, but fitchs influence is such that hes just gonna allege im insane, cos hes truly a piece of expletive on my shoe.


I is a mother, and beyond the grave notes


Something is Universal in the state of Denmark.


And he definitely plagiarised onyx…

Imperialist scam



And he even got someone else saying im crazy, who perhaps wilfully misconstrues my claims while he harasses me. Read all this, but. Its a slam Johnathon Dunk.


Ooft. The exhibition



Let them claim these elements are unconscious. Still says the same shit. A way of reading is still exxonerated.


They pushed me till i had a nervous breakthru to the other side made some excellent hatchets point at my face and bullets allow new points of entropy

-2014. So too is i went out with a big bang…

But in Uut it was, among other crystalline jumbles, etorndy. Or a childs play eternity. Reminds me too of when i had a eunuch vice.


But let it be noted these poets seem to think what they say doesnt matter.


Doyens mutter


..I have dished out your intestines on a platter for two remote con trolled bolsheviks splice my tele vision kept failing to a loaded gun down the remnants of retinal artillery..


I have

Cross? No. Marxy marx too hard mode for fitchy boo?


In my memory banks murky as the styx slithering up my armour again running thru my vain glorious youth

Couple that with my tunnel vision line and you too could produce a line of your own worse than either of mine, while producing basically the same product. Thats what Bingo did.


A pinko took my baby!!!


While children of the revolution in mourning looked at the marvellous treachery of images


Two let the reign




Uh, they ate my cigarettes??


If they think im gonna stop, theyre nuts. I was forced into hospital the first time i did this. The psychiatrist later said the admission was groundless and let me go, but it still had long lasting effects like letting this poetic injustice slide for years.


Ive studied hardee

These poems


Anyone else in the country


Music tags



Marks the pot


You can tell that ugly bald guy was really psychiatrically commited to academic integrity inquiries werent mad cos hes just making random claims with no research and didnt even care to fellow up when given the correct information. Im so gladwrap i didnt become an academic. I wouldve done in the job, which seems like itd be a problem wrt to fitting in

To that nonsense publishing racket.



Hey poety, struggling with depressionism? Beyonsense Blue can’t help


Both convoluted, of dubious use value, and unrewarding, Depressionism has been much of the dominant verse culture for decades now.






Its so tedious organizing files on a phone. But i should really print some stuff out to better abet its use. Its so depressing being a medium, especially the 94th military one. Just cant bring myself to get dressed. Too depressionism.


I thought, always my first error, id do more long ones. But then, i unflrtunately may not be able to publish em, if my blog difficulties of the other day are anything tk go by. I think the variations help, and theres sure to be a gay old time in the flower arranging them. Beijing a florist wouldve been coo


Chris edwars’s Rilke Renditions seem novel, inarresting, at first, bhut the choice is always the most obvious, doesnt do anything, and handicaps itx own argument with metatextual strawmen. Like, idk, translanguage punning hardly needs fetished, and his are asinine annd spriggy. Ppl of Earth was much better, but hes still, like Cordite editor, Kent Macarter, woefully inconsistent. In talks with Chris,  idk, its all just pomo liberalism.  After Naptime, tho, rocks. AND my asshbery trans of

Arty is missing


They sack him here

They sack him there

That damned allusive pimp





Im the self appointed judge, and im done with evidence. Rank is all. There are no files. You better get back of the line, boyo.


Im magic pudding my nuclear chowder to the reel


Go frock yourself with yr atom bum


I bet next comes the denial twist. We’re just having rly similar ideas, ideas you first exposit in a document only I and your ex have read. And you say youre fed up..


And in the aspect of the argument where cyberpoetics was the preoccupation, Four Things remixed by me ushered in a veritable nuclear winter is cummings




Poetic influence musnt be red to its own rubric²


Come on, come off it. Our re education camp is not fur profit


These orange shorts are good, pleasing pockets, but they could be shorter. Back in the 2014 days thru till 2017, i had hot pink ones. Coarser texture, tho. But man they popped with my pink Ben Sherman. I was looking like i just sneaked out the hottest crackden on Oxford Street.


what a shit spot


Leave it




Its like hes baudelaire, tryna  12 step on a frog that turns out

To be an alligator


Herstory from below will absolve me, not you



Go frack yourself with Adam, pom


“Im aware youre gonna post this as a screengrab. The behaviour opposing establishment plagiarism is totally unacceptable. Yadda yadda yadda” take me to court, ill worship at the shrine of yr lies.

 X xxx

Criminalists support the nation of Tex as some kind of communist Trump


They always said the truth

Was a revolutionary

Act 1


MtF Doom

‘S day

    At the race



And as for me, well, i matriculated to the Marie Bashir centre.