Poetry from Texas Fontanella

Chute Me Like Verlaine; or, Red &Hot in the cit Y,,, Riffer Phonix…

Aka47GHc, return to blander


Like yo, yo a meaty ogre, but mediocre 

ust follpwing orders i styx up the ordure, or; your jaws Sean of Pr Isis as i is the gap i pow wow ka blow you out of my theatre of cruelty rises righteous pi us where what’s survival pf the shit test o o o elongated np mask of the red scare of death is my witness to This X fire im gonna aka47 it’s Murder rings around the ghc business is my destiny, sleet child of mines.

And rhus a rental applicant 

Cops caught in a proxy dental applicant. I, i cap’n‘ crunt walk out twitch these trotskys. They’ve got the talking heads bout my gen’s oxys. Rational black sabbatical dental applicant for this gag slag ordered me off 2 Gadigal rental had it all accidet

Tour car we’re inuitin’ into it in putting the h in i m

Putting the urgency in M an’ OMMM

Styx up –

THey spiked my eyes with a Hortense

I have so so no doz the go prose poetes maudlin philanthropist fever pitch it to the sos bitch lost me O! so ses porn im at the hub sandwich a virus witch hunter s thompson out the mumblies tele scapes with bubbles aye sick kunt owe this me do me own stun doubles the trouble is what bubblies i bleed inter guitar o fry on ends the n – O zones – w – watch god power is gonna doobie dooobie scoop up pup add a D a.d. 2 BcBgBs you get out of the sweepy creepies up 2 the fat gat cats who scat the cut seething z z top shutterbug truth breeders be gitmo struth Ghc scuttlea tattertale buttle trial for tuttle’s Moochers oscar wilde Gracious inspector facelift clueless in the left needs a seattle grunge your girl needs a gun These Days hey on you my account of all the wattle bushes knuckle down rattle shakes Deckard busters battle sharpies run aka47Z Z r u in my zen trumancy saddle up2 get class hard act to fellow guitar ship down me heart slips on the RnR fork lint BnD pete trip DnB evidences mist townsend Crisps a naughty pounding indie defeatist rack the uh yeah gee HC are but bought up homophones in meep meep popo clothes the tax gap Gabbo krusty clowns havens wobbling wesleys gape beta saviour it without a capital T on all four thousand of me BPD craven Heaps Gay off with yawhaw raybans stalk stork stalks raven popping up windows into your abortion intimidating stance coffee harassment clan shops in woohoo stormzy bops, be frqudian accordions in the john spits back coltrane spots me but im not feeling so godsy’s on it your honesty is yr honour Kool Aid shoplifting with our millions G, N p no flavour aid the brian eno super solution to the uber mock mxmix too much i fly off with your ball park way drive music Mc–m-c Mk Ultra Coopers flight scene missing them teamsters on the velveteen anthony and cleopatra’s corporate blister in robocopping sham sun amassing beaches from the bleachers b2b2b do bap boom leechers like your Dm MOOF heir’s often OUT of ten out of ten F i dish id sum pig LETS tenure summit TENS ON noir mal TREBLE me baudelait to f what i TROD ON know ONE partly TWO nod off wad THREE u did lost FOUR summer feeels this INFECT leurs tenuous INGEST ed it or i get AT IT IN JEST coast ER cPR PAN MIND THE i i copenhagen site 2 DL breaker 3po

Ivmael icksrus waiter cto

Gmo theres a getting even steven fly in my channel 9 scoop hoes getting crass with the cross beau’s elbows

Double you hoops

I dont need the earings for help with the lift tho tearing up the campo cop turn to fearing pomo lowblows popo wit 

H or

Styx bricks on liqourice m3p ticklish mp3 may day me parade do be the circular key card hootenanny slap with the idol australian wrap this up your a plaid act in gg israelean allen key change your errorz tory with my girl my car pet we sweep under them why you big bad worlds gotta be illa billy lr i foley word mickey Dasein my billy eye lash i deal right with it whirred by. Like. Buy likes. Chairs the peace of meeting up2 o4 boeing knifes a 747 identity tiff i have so nuch politics is theft to me kings cross at the heft of me too jock rot root do it just is gta in it gst sin bin it i dealer ship off fares cry stan ding evasion stall makes you ruin ai run acid victims of domestic bathroom airports out with your car loss castle in the sky i am the will i scrape peacock it i am in your purse lips g loss over the factoids lost touch wood an og F head turn into a Fred sharpening h or tense car for an e Castling? Z pftsf check you rock mate n roleplay cis is hip to the hop on You know my crzzy P of diamonds E shutter bug stuck up per crust pizza pound in for my charity bin yr overdub camp code,,, notmmy ez ewok trouble from the retort loon nah thats that be God retro from the k get go in on it hr puffin’ stiff waiting for this kitsch bitch Is glitching jingles welcome you too I am the carl kungle therefoee J man fink marx the plumbers top her in the ice box. I put out the OED in order: Pussy Riot Quiet, Please, ordure in the court hose u cut to witch flower over my elvis hose. P.i. just i just leased dethat fine ezra pound. In time herself is paying my L DS 25 splice gill’s wrong. Ills wank. This g’s illmatic danked in tragedies, are never wrong rom comedy of Cyclips LSD 25 clop me troubling bling your original onus of the muddy bong water board up the score poured some more shakshugar on it it as in an Oz twitchy witch with the didgeridoo that Cindy Laundering muzak hamilton off with ostriches in body mod hire up hieorglyphics. Plumbers of your hammed tones of sparkling ice, ice books. YAh ah ah. Pook is herr. Man drake’s read along wont be start it up, it woned be a tart up. S. 2

Club 7

Heaven is 11 judge harpoon mercys marx heathens heaving 


They asio called me. CharizardGet rich gaunts or diet cola trying me would take off in my ola commisions five error H. Or dense. Ddt.. Dis diss lexicon’s my dmt Lp’s era. Steezin’.

This RFID avant garde’s the kings cross reason. Miaow. Miaow my soft cell goes on to brown out your brands towns vile. In the loo with the lewd vial, tho file it under the guile of Lil pelvis..

Hell fish in the cell Fitch. Miles. You can vince mcmahon me later. Duvets. Snerabloids Kelly slaughter.

House five in the air

Shooboozey dupey i be cute this drop together Wop, wop, wop…

Lets do it up2

Consider your co side rms are beauts rn that be cue john ashbery’s piano P&o to BRN rear view mirror eating chuck tailors up2 be or on tje nod to be kings suss suck sack me like that spook duckling sacrilegious mattresses that uber scuse that’s me crew barred be hoove, hoove it, Js? – ah, windows into the sou’. Are. Gay. That’s your Gr ant slam medical help drunk nifty shades og As a skunk crunk cray cray read a long.with this Fitch .man. drake…

Some oner should leak me up. Rake. Nahz too wiggy. Pig will.i.ams. rake. sesrching with Emerge n ceo rake. but she funds the pay elopes. Raki. You pay me for the e elopes. Wasabi. Tekken with a pinch og mtf yr freeeky. Chi is chekhov. Dead dogs alarm bells tell nostrils stale pale ale failures Impailed ailmentsa are fey lures to squaloor moon you om zoom zoo. Zoom. Meeting by hoo must not be met half way short and not nam’d. This FiatDamn youre be Broke. Ba, can i buy a eye lash copy of Choke? Gobby joke

“And what about this heresay itz not funny Treason Quitline???”

“I got the idea from this big time John. Taylor Swift.”

Where are my cokehead failures?

Cola blu collars at what a beaut codswallop. As is this is i owe you tje nu nu

Fuck T. Rump.swallows. Ddt rum. Bolos. P? The economy gets on with me. Tie. Honestly… this will off

Voodoo that sweet chile of 

I went all allende

Murk and ma.d. i. Mooney

The style is Jigsaw Rap. I come from the lambda of plenty

Dude Yours is truly psycho julie is this caesar seized salad the throw backs to the salcious go gaffs. The power’s out of ballads, and, weave a roady boken up with the boating shoes the rule of fortune. Fortetude . Once again , in the coffee to my cup of loco, their Universal pixels eyes pick ya

Hodgy beats

Im specious. So, so special. K gotta have some of your – tentacle attention in zz curtsy embassy vonnegutted the amenities me too Plunder blunderphonics under neath with her her neat sonic youth screw pile drivers under wear out the know how kitty maggot is the lazy susan bad dest. To be. Loose in Ghc. Or node spruce moose ward 2d. Mt. Or That is pop druitt art straight out of compton threw up our pimpley mind you suck this tribe’called question


Remember the r e m embers these parts of me to breathe. Out Nah. Forget how to be. Found. Hart

Crane up there for your neckids.

Or, imma – what Snickers? – it beggars

Man hunt belief? Tor up s thompson street pa u lie.

And not just about chorale reef!

Next to me is a b cut up a clean figure c 8 balls all in the pocket

Silver rocket Uppers they warned me


Debt is a lie. Pilcher forests

CizUxurize. Stitch up u guys. 2. Left 

To forage

Leaf sentience for an age that is we’re back ending up under their lifeshow miss took my aegis mis laid life

Sentences to bling you deficits surround us want you like our coffee welk grounded as a hogs breath lesson 1 floundered. Said

Give me a Pound, E.z. or youre

My rock

Bottoms up! God wins all in of youre

 laws, bud.

P.s. tech ically i should probs reresd it, cos made some start changes, but idk, idk,