Poetry from Usmonova Ogiloy


In the quiet hush of night,
Where moonbeams cast a silver light,
My dreams awaken, softly bloom,
In the corners of my room.

They drift on whispers, gentle breeze,
Through endless skies, across the seas,
In colors vivid, bright and bold,
In stories yet to be told.

A castle perched on clouds so high,
A meadow where the fairies fly,
A world where wishes all come true,
And every day begins anew.

In dreams, I dance on stardust trails,
I ride the wings of mystic whales,
I chase the dawn, embrace the night,
In realms of pure, unfiltered light.

No limits bind, no fears confine,
In this sacred, endless shrine,
Where hope and wonder intertwine,
In the garden of my mind.

Though waking hours may be gray,
In dreams, the world is far away,
A place where all my heart’s desires,
Ignite like everlasting fires.

So I close my eyes with sweet embrace,
And journey to that secret place,
Where dreams are real and life’s a gleam,
In the boundless realm of my dreams.

Usmonova O’giloy Gulomjon qizi  was born on October 7, 2009. She is currently a 10th-grade student at the Is’hoqxon Ibrat Creative School. She is fluent in Uzbek, English, Russian, and Korean.

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