Damage Words Do
tumbler breaths
pop the bulging piñatas
cigarillo mold
sat low
craving no translucence
where onslaught margin eyes give
to the late underbelly
of alliteration by entreaty
plumb with bone-balding consonance
hanging annihilation metaphors
sending the faded tense goblet
beyond whoopee room’s cloud
swizzle polyrhythms
measure oboe ire culminating
races centrifugal
along the spice-haired veneer
portal form lipping the diamond image
slipping its grimy textual surge radical
the fashionable rapids
radical formulaic
fits the anabolic trade
time shades the queasy chiaroscuro
stainless narrowly pipes the sodden
darkening fortune to dividends
Downscale Dining
industrial memory hamburgers
weeping anywhere to salt
unconscionable ions
hard against injection hours
waste a violated pipe dream
picket the what is
of best incinerator growth
flying the exact
motor moaning
nearly each history
memories arch the clean ism
a mindless nimbus tissue scanning
felt wild dismembering
urban throat choice
waxed all sculpture
thunderstruck reverberating
their subsidiary markets
monetarily furnished
later bystanders of course
the dead entry pinched side breath
longing for
blotches lingering
a frieze along
the crust
disgust plagues
aching dole felons
the transgression
of moist sneakers
by a craven stage
ate the slime glories
emanating paratactic textures
Retirement Village Evolving
desert scone
a shallow home to anything
anvil matter
a sure valence addle
the stale discomfort
pawned their root clusters
stereotype destinations
shattered to dampness
the private mind
plaid with diet oil
that swallows the finer grill nest
diluted traction
prefigures bottle thoughts
fire eaten
from days of past waste
key the sky
the screen hint of reptiles
layered grating where creaking
paradigm torsos
writhe their body calculus
over a scorched distance
replaying their purity glitz
burning over
fossil divides
Sea Sounding Back
the dock sought
its paradiddle image blot
nothing laid
the faces deny their ears
the louder convection left the
slow fingers a massacre glide
while sacred white decorated
the call
of forks under water
rubbled verbs
their convergence
especially picturesque
subwoofers rampage cenotaphs
quest lost tunnels of scarred swing
spilling delay
repression ministers
salt curio lava
the carousing riffs bridle
a crisped music
bubbled in puns
and water memory
Crashed Landing
vexation whirls
curly surly and sudden
(sewer use no guarantee)
a hand-picked grifter
ocean quota slow
venting coarsened salt
its motion
intent obscures the empty surge
cyclical emotion
involves around
a surly warranty
abused the defective
rift, still
asthma convection
a current passed tensely
where the protective lift entered
stage right
riding invective saddles
to the last