you forgot your glasses today.
i had mine to offer, fully knowing
that they wouldn’t work for you.
i wanted to feel a spark with you,
yearning for a singular interaction
that connects our minds together.
you reached for my glasses, and
your hand slightly brushes mine,
sending a whirlpool down my stomach
that makes me slightly dizzy.
i want to run my fingers through
the curls of your hair, letting the tips
of my fingers attract to your mind.
i can hear your voice loud and clear
behind me, and as your baritone timbre
cuts through everyone else’s, ringing
the bones inside my ears, i listen.
i analyze, i process, and i love.
my soul will always love the way
your eyes move when you speak,
darting to every person listening to you,
and when they latch onto mine,
i hope you can see my love for you.